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Evaluation! Klausurersatzleistung bitte korrigieren

Frage: Evaluation! Klausurersatzleistung bitte korrigieren
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Hallo, ich brauche dringend Hilfe. Ich muss morgen meine Klausurersatzleistung abgeben und würde mich unhimlich freuen wenn jemand sich meinen Text durchliest und mir seine/ihre Meinung dazu sagt und eventuell sprachliche/grammatische Fehler verbessert falls ihr welche seht. :) :) 

On the 12thof November Ilayda Berber and I held a presentation on the novel “The Catcherin the Rye”. We set the focus on the subject “Growing Up”, as it is a centraltopic in the novel. In advance wehanded in a summary of the general plot in the novel. We met three or fourtimes to prepare the presentation, discussed all the content together andworked out ideas to present our results. We always divided the work whichshould be done until the next meeting. As I am quite skilled with PowerPoint I dealtwith the layout and slides. Also I created a worksheet since I knew where tofind the quotations we chose for the worksheet. A poster was designed by Ilaydaand she also wrote the summary. The presentationitself was structured into three sections. In the first section the class hadto work on a worksheet. The task was to describe and analyse Holden’s (Holden isthe protagonist of the novel) behavior in four different situations. Thereforethe class split up into two groups, which had to deal with two quotations fromthe novel. We also structured the worksheet in a way that each group would geta quotation that tells something about Holden’s behavior toward children andhis behavior towards adults. While doing the exercise our class members wereallowed to discuss their findings with a neighbor. Afterwards both groupspresented their results. In the secondsection we used PowerPoint slides alongside an explanation of Holden’s visionof society and his fear of growing up. This section was set up on a centralquote from the novel a class member read out from a PowerPoint slide. Finally, we had a discussionabout Holden’s image of childhood and adulthood and about how the class seesHolden’s situation and if they agree on his opinion. I thinkoverall our presentation went well, but I am sure that there are features whichcould have been improved. Drawinginformation from the feedback given by the audience, one primary thing thatemerges was that the presentation strategy was engaging and encouraged theactive involvement of our class members. I was very pleased with our lessonplan, too. It was well structured, so that the preparatory work done before thefinal discussion was very helpful for the audience to take part in theconversation. Apart fromthat I think our time management of planning the presentation could have beenimproved. We worked on many different thoughts instead of focusing on one. Thiscaused that we had to cut out many ideas at the end because there was notenough time to present them. The time we spent on working out these ideas wasmissing when we had to rehearse our speeches. That leads tothe second matter I wasn’t happy with. Occasionally I interrupted my speech andhad to look at my notes again to know what I was talking about. The reason wasprobably that we worked too much on the content of the presentation than onrehearsing our speeches. Another reason could be that I told everyone -if theywanted to hear it or not- that I was really nervous. That is why I got evenmore nervous while holding the presentation. After all itwas very good that we were able to answer the questions asked during and afterthe presentation due to our intensive work with the novel and differentinterpretations of it. This was the positive side of investing so much time inworking out different ideas. Therefore we were prepared for these kind ofquestions. Furthermore,one effect of choosing a matching layout for our PowerPoint slides and reducingthe number of the slides was that the visual aids we used were not detracting butenhanced our presentation. But I must take into account that two spellingmistakes were made. This fact was disappointing because we could have avoidedit easily. On reflectionI think we could have rehearsed our speeches a bit more and integrated enough timeto avoid stress and nervousness before the presentation. It is generalargued that ‘relaxing-times’ before a presentation are very helpful to reduce anxietywhile presenting. Also a good structure and lesson-plan of a presentation isvery important to engage and involve the audience. In conclusionI can say that our way of preparing the presentation was really good because weworked intensively and efficiently on the novel but we should have planned ourtime better. The next timeI am going to make sure that I have time to relax before the presentation dayand I feel it is necessary for me to rehearse my speech to gain more self-confidencewhile holding the presentation. Moreover I have decided letting someone lookover the PowerPoint slides to correct any spelling mistakes.
Frage von sunrise95 | am 03.12.2014 - 21:26

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