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Paul, Stewart; The Australian connection : Summary ?

Frage: Paul, Stewart; The Australian connection : Summary ?
(12 Antworten)


Ich brauch dringende Hilfe von euch.
Ich schreibe am Montag eine Klassenarbeit und es kommt ein Kapitel vom Buch dran. Wir müssen eine summary zu einem Kapitel schreiben. Es wäre echt toll wen ihr über jedes kapitel mindestens etwas schreibt. Smile Ich brauche echt hilfe mus bis Montag alles lernen.

lg lukas
GAST stellte diese Frage am 14.03.2008 - 13:38

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Antwort von matata | 14.03.2008 - 13:44
Hat dieses Buch auch einen Verfasser? Es sucht sich besser....
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 14.03.2008 - 14:29
Der Verfasser heißt Paul Stewart...bitte um schnellen antwort

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Antwort von Chrissi1701 (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.03.2008 - 14:53
Chapter one: The trip of a lifetime

-Alex passes his exam and he has a deal with his mother that he can travel wherever he wants to go if he passes his exam
-He want to travel to Australia because his father lives there and he wants to meet him
-Before he must work in a factory to collect money for his trip

Chapter two: Hello Australia

-Alex has worked in the factory a few month and has collected enough to fly to Australia
-He flies 38 hours
-Arrives in Australia at the airport and meets his father’s family where Alex lives the next months
-Meets his wife Mary and his two sons Dominic (6 years old) and Luke (3 years old)
-Tom Connell (his father) is on a business trip in London
-The next day Alex, Mary, Luke and Dominic go to Bondi Beach
-At home Alex meets Dani, she lives next door
-Dani tells him that she plays in a band (“The Beat Crew”) and they search for a bass guitarist
-Alex can play the bass well and so he is a member in “The Beat Crew” now

Chapter three: The island and the mountain

-Tom can’t arrive before the 17th January
-So Alex does not wait on Tom and spends the next week in Adelaide with Mary’s brother
-Mary’s brother’s son is 18 like Alex and he has 3 younger sisters
-As he drives to this brother he looks all the time out of the window and admires the wonderful country
-Next day he travels with Kevin to Kangaroo Island
-when they arrive they see a lot wild animals there, it is very exiting for Alex
-The next days they look at many sights there for example underground caves and they snorkel for sunken shipwrecks
-They lie in the sun to chill in the Blue Lagoon
-After some wonderful days they drive back home and the same day they go with the Williams (Kevin’s family) in the amphitheatre in Flinders Rangers
-It’s in the Outback and so they must drive a long distance
-So Alex sees very much of the Outback there
-Then next day, Kevin and Alex climb on St.
Mary’s Peak(big mountain) which is 1190 meters high
-After a wonderful week with the Williams family Alex returns to Sydney to the Connells ( his father’s family)

Chapter four: The big decision

-As Alex arrives at Sydney his father is not at home
-He must travel to Singapore
-So Alex plays with the band one week and he sees a lot of the country because they play all over the land
-There first concert is in Melbourne, they play in a club named “Angelos”
-The members of the band are Pete, Joe, Dani, Alex and Terry
-“The Beat Crew” have many engagements, mostly in discos and clubs where they play only some gigs, around the Phillip Islands
-Alex fallen in love with Dani and so he kisses Dani, now they are a couple
-The band must drive to the other side of the island, to Summerland Beach (they have more engagements there)
-Alex and Dani want to meet at Byron Bay but they haven’t got any free time because the band job is hard and there is always hectic
-They must always play gigs and learn new songs
-Alex is very angry about his father because he isn’t it Australia when Alex wants to see him

Chapter five: The face in the crowd

-the Beat Crew travels back to Sydney but the problem is a puncture (in the tyre)
-the spare tyre is also flat and they haven’t got a foot pump
-And so Terry walks back to a garage which they saw an hour ago
-The jack is broken, too
-Their fortune is that another car driver stops and helps them but a bit later they hit a cow and something is destroyed at the car
-But a trucker meets them and helps them but he wants 200 dollar for his help
-The band hasn’t got any choice, they pay it and drive to Sydney where they must give gigs in Sabrina’s Bar
-After these gigs all the spectators scream, it is a very good entrance and Alex meets his father in this club, too

Chapter six: Into the rain forest

-Alex talks with his father Tom a long time in the club
-Tom is sorry that he hasn’t got any contact with Alex all the time
-He wants to have a trip to Queensland with Alex only
-But Alex plans a trip to Bayron Bay with Dani, too
-But he drives with his father to Queensland where Alex looks all time out of the window and admires the country
-When they arrive there, they look sights and go for a walk in the rain forest
-The walk on top of Mount Sorrow and take a stop at the Great Barrier Rief

Chapter seven: Father and son

-They stay the night in Cairns in a hotel and next day they go by boat to Grafton Passage
-Alex snorkel to the corals there, it is wonderful for him
-He see many different kinds of fish but one basker
-Alex thinks a basker is a shark and so he is very frightened and scream for held to his father
-But his father laughs and explains him that baskers only eat plants
-After this they go swimming together
-At the evening, it is in Whitsunday Island, Alex and Tom just eat, there starts a big shower and all there things get wet, this shower is like a big storm
-All their things were washed away
-Now they must survive without anything but so they come closer and closer together

Chapter eight: Up to the top

-after some nice days they drive home to Sydney, where Alex must play for the Beat Crew on TV at Channel 9
-They are in the Chart Show
-Now they are stars, they have lots of concerts and only hectic
-Parties, girls and all first class
-It originated posters and T-shirts from the Beat Crew
-Alex is at cloud 9
-And after some concerts they have one afternoon free
-So Dani and Alex go to Byron Bay, what they have wanted do for some months
-They have fun with dolphins there and have a wonderful time
-Dani says that the dolphins are free, they can go where they want and we cannot

Chapter nine: And down to earth

-Joe and Pete drink to much, they think they are stars and must be cool
-The Beat Crew write a lot songs but no such good ones like the first
-This song is a one hit wonder
-Joe and Pete are bitter and angry because of the hectic
-Joe become a skinhead and has a White Power tattoo on his arm
-All the success is past
-No money and no famous and no more interviews, they play in small bars again
-Joe hits a can of beer from a guest, he says that they hate racists and don’t want to see them play
-So a fight begins, Joe and Pete fight with foreigners and the police come
-Joe and Pete are arrested and the other 3 members of The Beat Crew drive away
-At home Alex and Dani get in trouble with each other because of the band
-The Beat Crew is Dani’s life (the music) and now it is destroyed and she is very angry
-Alex stays another 6 months in Australia because he can’t leave Dani now

Chapter ten: New Year’s Eve

-Alex must choose between Dani and Australia or his mum and England
-So he asks Dani to come with him to England
-Dani says “yes” and they go to England
-Alex and Dani start a band name it “The dolphins” and they play together with other members
-Alex thinks that he win a new friend (his father Tom Connell)
-But now he knows that his father names Peter Reid

Antwort von GAST | 31.05.2008 - 15:01
hilfööö^^ ich brauche ein zusammenfassung vom 1. kapitel (the australian connection) wäre cool wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet ;)

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Antwort von matata | 31.05.2008 - 15:25
Was ist denn an der Zusammenfassung hier nicht in Ordnung nach deiner Ansicht? Nimm halt das Buch vor die Nase und ändere ab, damit es keine reine Abschrift wird.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 03.06.2008 - 15:40
lol sau faul
warum nur stichpunkte

Antwort von GAST | 03.06.2008 - 16:27
Chapter six: Into the rain forest Summary

Alex talks with his father Tom a long time in the club after the gig.
Tom is sorry that he hasn’t got any contact with Alex all the time.
Tom think all the time, that Alex wouldn`t want to hear from Tom.
He wants to have a trip to Queensland with Alex only, but Alex have allready plans a trip to Bayron Bay with Dani.
But he decide to drives with his father to Queensland. On the way Alex looks all time out of the window and admires the country.
When they arrive at the hostel at the foot of Mount Sorrow, they look sights and go for a walk in the rain forest for a couple of days.
After a final walk on top of Mount Sorrow they pack and drive to the Great Barrier Reef.
138 Wörter

Antwort von GAST | 19.04.2009 - 16:44
Hey leute....
ist zwar lange her dieser Thread aber ich muss ne aufgabe erledigen und zwar soll ich die Beziehung zwischen Alex und Tom darstellen also im verlauf seiner Ferien.
Ausserdem soll ich Tagebuch einträge in der Ich form von Alex darstellen zu den einzelnenen Chapter jeweils einen könnte mir da jemand tipps zu geben..oder evtl auch schon machen weil ich das Buch nich gelesen habe und aber zu morgen die aufgaben haben muss und dazu noch kein Englisch kann....
wenn möglich pls per pn falls unser lehrer auf die idee kommt das hier zu suchen....

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2011 - 13:57
In dem Text sind einige Fehler! Ich unterstreiche das, was ich geändert habe.

Chapter six: Into the rain forest Summary

Alex talks to his father Tom in the club for a long time after the gig.Tom is sorry that he hasn’t got any contact with Alex all the time. Tom think all the time, that Alex wouldn`t want to hear from Tom. He wants to have a trip to Queensland with Alex only, but Alex has allready plans for trip to Bayron Bay with Dani.
But he decide to drives with his father to Queensland. On the way Alex looks out of the window all time and admires the country. When they arrive at the hostel at the foot of Mount Sorrow, they look sights and go for a walk in the rain forest for a couple of days. After a final walk on top of Mount Sorrow they pack and drive to the Great Barrier Reef.

Aber insgesamt eine sehr gute Zusammenfassung


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Antwort von Golum3000 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.03.2011 - 14:07
Bitte leuscht diese summary sonst finden die lehrer es irgendwann. danke

Antwort von ANONYM | 05.01.2012 - 20:45
kann mir einer von jedem kapitel eine Zusammenfassung schreiben bitte?
aber bitte nicht in Stichpunkten.

Antwort von ANONYM | 05.01.2012 - 20:50
Warum machst du dich nicht selbst an die Arbeit?

Ich bräuchte auch noch jemand, der meine Arbeit erledigt und kann mir nicht einfach ein Heinzelmännchen übers Internet bestellen.

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