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Frage: Etwas übersetzen und Korrektur lesen
(9 Antworten)

Kann mir bitte jemand diesen Satz übersetzen?

While levels of contentment have clearly risen in poor countries that have enjoyed strong economic growth
GAST stellte diese Frage am 25.02.2008 - 10:38

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:04
mir denn keiner helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:27
In der Zeit in welcher Niveaus (Levels) der Genugtuung in armen Ländern deutlich anstiegen haben diese Länder ein starkes Wirtschaftswachstum genossen

In etwa so

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:31
Danke!Jetzt weiß ich schon um was es in etwas geht.

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:35
Kann mir jemand diesen Text Korrektur lesen? Muss zu diesem Thema:Social background determines a person`s future. Discuss. einen Essay schreiben.

Nowadays it is very frequent that there are more poor people than rich people in our world and because of that I think that poor people will be worse off than the current one. For example, when poor countries have strong economic growth they were not able to afford needed food, clothing and medical care. In brief they must starve, freeze to death and die of illness. In contrast to developing countries, developed countries must not die, because of strong economic growth.

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:39
Nowadays it is very frequent that there are more poor people than rich people in our world and because of that I think poor people will be worse off than the current one. For example, when poor countries have strong economic growth they ARE not able to afford THE needed food, clothing and medical care. In brief they must starve, freeze to death and die of illness. In contrast to THE PEOPLE OF developing countries, THE PEOPLE OF developed countries DO not die, because of strong economic growth AND ITS RESULTS.

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 11:47
Vielen vielen Dank an alle die mir geholfen haben.Finde ich super klasse von euch!

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 12:11
Was kann man noch zu diesem Text hinzufuegen und bitte auch hir um korrektur lesen.

Unfortunately the spread of AIDS and other diseases is “a very big problem” in poor countries, for example in Africa although many poor humans take an HIV test than the wealthy people and because of that the future of this poor people is more optimistic than the future of the rich people.

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 17:15
unfortunatey the spreadING of aids and other diseases is a very big problem in poor countries, for example africa.
und was meinst du mit dem satz ab ``although``?
meinst du, dass die armen leute optimistischer sind als die reicheren weil sie öfters hivtests machen lassen? das find ich irgendwie sinnlos aber wenn das gemeinst ist müsste der satz so lauten:
In comparison more poor people take an hiv test and they can look more optimiscally into the future than the richer people.

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2008 - 17:17
uups kleiner fehler. es muss heißen ``and so they can look...``

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