Englisch- comment bitte mal nachsehen/korrigieren/verbessern
Frage: Englisch- comment bitte mal nachsehen/korrigieren/verbessern(5 Antworten)
Life in the city or life in the countryside. What are the pros and cons? Write a comment of about 150 – 200 words. More and more people left the countryside to live in a big city. First of all more young people want to live in a city. But is the life in the city really better than the life in the countryside? People in the city have shorter ways to the stores. In big cities people need no cars because they can walk or got by bus or train to their working places. So they can reach their work places, the stores or the school very better than the people in the countryside. The infrastructure is in the city simply better than in the countryside. Also leisure time facilities is substantially higher. Disadvantages are a high crime, little nature, bad air and a lot of noise. Most of the people disturb that. Another thing against life in the city may be that people are more anonymous and perhaps lonely. In small villages people know each other very well, especially their neighbours. In big cities this is often not the case. At last everybody have to decide where he would like to live with pleasure. There are advantages and disadvantages in the city as well as countryside. ![]() |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 24.02.2008 - 17:33 |
Antwort von GAST | 24.02.2008 - 17:45 |
Ich glaube, es heißt "... |
Antwort von GAST | 24.02.2008 - 17:46 |
...left the countryside to live in big cities. -> würd ich schreiben xD But is life in the city.... ...walk or GO by bus... So they can reach their working PLACES...or the school better (nicht mit very;) ) The infrastructuer in the city is simply better... Disadvatages are the high percentage of crime An other thing against life in city could be <- ich würds mit could schreiben^^ At least, everybody HAS to decide whether... ...as well as at the countryside |
Antwort von GAST | 24.02.2008 - 17:49 |
ja klar,natürlich GO BY BUS war ein schreibfehler dankeschön |
Antwort von GAST | 24.02.2008 - 17:53 |
In big cities people need no cars because they can walk or got by bus or train to their working places, So they can reach their work places, the stores or the school very better than the people in the countryside. ich würde die beiden sätze verbinden, da es sich irgendwie besser anhört. The infrastructure in the city IS simply better than in the countryside. wenn du das "is " hinter city setzt..hört sich besser an.. rechtschreibfehler hab ich jetzt nich korrigiert=) aber stilkorrektionen waren hoffentlich auch erwünscht. ;-) |
Antwort von GAST | 24.02.2008 - 17:54 |
natürlich, bin doch für jede Hilfe dankbar! |
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