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Korrekturlesen - Englisch - Text über Liverpool

Frage: Korrekturlesen - Englisch - Text über Liverpool
(2 Antworten)

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
My name is …..
and I am the leading managing director of the company LAT.
As you already know this year the European Capital of Culture is located in the United Kingdom.
Because of its large offer of culture its world famous maritime heritage, architecture, music, literature , the arts and sport, our city Liverpool has won!
To gain this title it had to put up through many changes for reaching improvement.
For this reason Liverpool is not only the Culture-Capital but at the moment also something like a construction-capital.
On the whole there had been invested 5 billion pounds to fund the various construction projects.
My company has worked on the Liverpool One and the Bluecoat.
As you can see the Liverpool One is a purchase zone in the heart of the city and offers several opportunities for relaxing and shopping.
It includes barely 17 hectares of surface with 40 individually shaped buildings and six different zones.
The costs amounted to 1 billion pounds.
On this picture you can see the Bluecoat.
The Bluecoat is one of the oldest and most influential British art centres.
It was rebuilt completely with a new wing for extra galleries for altogether 12,5 million pounds.
Of course we have also arranged a great programme for 2008. It expects you a diverse celebration of culture with more than 50 international festivals in art, architecture, ballet, comedy, cinema, food literature, music, opera, science and theatre.
Moreover, 1/5 of the Beatles (Paul Mc Cartney) will visit the city.
I hope I could have interested you in visiting Liverpool this year.
Frage von Cheburaschka (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.01.2008 - 21:12

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Antwort von negu (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.01.2008 - 21:24
oder schriftlich?

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Antwort von negu (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.01.2008 - 21:37
Grundsätzlich find ichs gut zu lesen, mir sind die Infos etwas zu schwach für einen leading management director.
-was genau hat die LAT (was oder wer ist das?) gemacht? --- „work“ reicht dazu nicht
-zu den 2 Hauptthemen fehlen mir Beispiele, die mich als Besucher anziehen, nur die Geldbeträge aufzählen ... (40 verschiedene Gebäude auf 17 Hektar find ich in jedem Dorf)
–wozu genau soll ich kommen? Was gibt es, das mich persönlich betrifft, interessiert, anzieht, begeistert?

"On the whole" - all in all

"My company" - our company

"As you can see the Liverpool One is a (hier fehlt etwas “Maximales” die schönste, modernste, größte…) purchase zone"

"barely" heißt auch knapp oder spärlich…Ist wohl nicht, was Du als Managementdirektor sagen willst…nearly, round about

"surface" (Oberfläche / (Straßen)belag?) … On an area of nearly 17 hectares with 40 individually shaped buildings you find in six different zones....

"It expects you" klingt sehr deutsch… you are expected by...

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