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summary zu einer geschichte.. eure meinung

Frage: summary zu einer geschichte.. eure meinung
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Ich habe mir im Internet einen Text gesucht und eine summary dazu geschrieben.. sie handelt von dem thema was wir z.z im englisch unterricht behandeln:

[code]They might be in the same country and share a common name. But in every other respect – from house prices to unemployment – the two Ashingtons, separated by little over 300 miles, are poles apart.
“We are stuck (wir sind es nunmal) at opposite ends of the country with little knowledge about life in the other half,” says solicitor (jurist) brian Norton, who chairs the parish council (Gemeindevorstand) of Ashington, West Sussex.

“We have got this great divide – everything north of Watford is almost foreign (ausländisch), and it seems a bit silly really.”
Local Councillor (Ratsvorsitzender) and former miner (erster Bergarbeiter) Colin Parker, Chairman of the leisure commitee (vorsitzender der freizeit komitee) in the old northern colliery (kohlengrube) town of Ashington, agrees. “It would be nice to know more about the south, although I would imagine there is a big difference in living standards – we have suffered terribly from pit closures up (schließung der bergewerke) here.”

Yesterday, in northern Ashington, they set about bridging that grap (gegangen die Kluft) with a 10-week course to examine the English divide in microcosm, well-heeled West Sussex versus down-at-heel Northumberland.
Organised by the workers Educatinal Association, it aims to establish links between the two communities. [...]
The idea came from Bill Gale, an Ashington (Northumberland) community worker who recently stumbled across the West Sussex village of the same name on the A24 between Worthing and Horsham.

He eventually discovered a local historian, Daphne Norton, wife of the parish council chairman, who soon established a laison group. They began writing to each other and quuckly agreed that both communities could gain from sharing experiences.
“While we cannot underestimate this great social divide, we want to break down taboos,” Mr Gale said. “The only thing we seem to have in common, apart from the name, is that we are both close to the sea.”

Mrs Norton, who lives in a 14th century farmhouse, finds it hard to visualise the other Ashington, altgough she thinks she may have passed through it 30 years ago ob the way back from Scotland. “[...] We think twinning is a rather nice idea, although we all thought it was rather hilarious at first.”
Ashingtonians (N) who turned up for the launch of yesterday’s twinning course were told in a leaflet that they would “explore social, cultural and economic variations...
And reasons and perceptions behind the north-south divide”.
Lecturer Ian Rushton said he thought people in the other Ashington were well aware of the fact that they lived in a “relatively well-off commuter-belt area”.

“It will be interesting to see whether brown ale swilling expitmen can be understood south of the Tyne,” he joked.

Meine summary:

The text "2 Towns 2 Nations" is about 2 towns which named same but they are different as day and night.The Local Councillor of the southern part, want to get to know the north part better, to see how they live and see the difference to themselves.As a result they start a 10 week seminar where they update their knowledge about each other. The aim of the event is to recess the relation of both communities.Community workers who come across local historian make the connection between the towns stronger. They decide twinning their towns.Finally we see that two strictly different towns can learn and live together without any trouble.

was haltet ihr davon?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 10.12.2007 - 21:11

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