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Frage: Englisch-Text
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habe grade einen Englisch-Text von ner Freundin bekommen, ich korregier ihn nebenher und da scheint`s einiges zu tun zu geben aber ich hätt auch von euch gerne eine Korrektur dafür, würde mich freuen:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on the 30.
January 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. He was the only son from James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt.

His father was a railway official and he`s been the cousin of Theodore Roosevelt, which was the 26th president of the United States. His family wasn`t rich, but they lived a comfortable and gracious life. His formal education started at the Groton School in Massachusetts, Endicott Peabody has been his headmaster.

When he got his graduation from Harvard University in 1904, he started studied at the Columbia University Law School. In the year 1905 he married a distanted cousin, called Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt‘s political career started with his nomination to the New York Senate as a democrat in 1910. His support for Woodrow Wilson’s democratic presidential nominee 1912 resulted in his appointment to the post of assistant secretary of the navy. 1920 he was nominated for the presidency. Than 1921 Franklin faced the greatest personal crisis of his life because he had an illness called poliomyelitis. Encouraged by his wife and his dedicated political mentor, Louis McHenry Howe, he resumed to his career by gotten nominated from Alfred E. Smith for the presidency at the democratic convention in 1924. Scared that he wouldn`t win the nomination, Mr Smith told him to start a campaign for the upstate, because they were more as the rest there. Roosevelt steped in the famous footsteps of his fifth cousin "President Theodore Roosevelt" and started a career in the public service by gone into politics. There were a lot of problems with his poliomyelitis, but he fought against the illness and eventually he would be able to walk again by using crutches. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to the first of four presidential terms in November of the year 1932. One year later 13,000,000 people were unemployed. In his inaugural speech he said „The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.“ . And I think it was the truth. Than Franklin did the „New Deal“ and the country started a change which was in a positive way. Until a few years many banks and business men disagreed with the direction from FDR. He spent many years with working on the implementation of the United Nations.
And this developed in a good way. Years ago and Roosevelt‘s illness became more negative he passed in Warm Springs, Georgia at the 12.14.1945 because he had a cerebral hemorrhage. Warm Springs was the home from Roosevelt, so he wanted to life there until he would die. That was very important for him. It was a centre for hot water sources and he died there because of his illness. Now peoples can visited the home from Franklin Roosevelt. There is a museum and the house where he had lived. There is a film about FDR`s live with the title "Warm Springs". The Film includes the history from Franklin with his illness and how he became a new man. Roosevelt was the president when the historic attack on pearl harbour was. In remembrance for Franklin Delano Roosevelt there is this museum and a memorial which is in Hyde Park. There are a lot of statues, too. Than there is also a marine yacht, a golf club, a high school and an high way with the name Franklin Roosevelt.

Danke schonmal
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.12.2007 - 20:52

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