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Lord of the flies Korektur

Frage: Lord of the flies Korektur
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Hallo Leute

ich weis es ist früh (am morgen) aber kann mal jemand mit guten Englisch kenntnissen, sich diesen text durchlesen?

Danke im Vorraus

Piggy looking at the development on the island („creative writing“)

Here, on the summit, when I think back on the last weeks, I remember to the begin of the Islandlife.
As we crashed down, an I was very angry.
Than on the beach, as I get to know Ralph.
I feel that he can´t like me. I spoke about the crash and he wasn`t interrested. A few Days later, as we define the Law, I feel me on the false Place in the World, the others read about the build of huts and the hunting of Pigs. The next days was very relaxed, we was swimming and we ly on the beach. Jack run in the wood and search pig traces. And ralph attempted to build huts but nobody helps him. I didn`t feel like to help him, I like to go swim.
Yesterday, we saw a ship on the horizon, but the bale fire wasn`t burn. Ralph took Jack to task, because he was to watch the fire. I interfere and Jack knock me, that my glasses fall on the beach an d one of the glasses was broken. Currently, I wish me that the ship had rescue us, that I must not with the others exist.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 23.01.2007 - 01:50

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