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Lord of the flies chapter 11

Frage: Lord of the flies chapter 11
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The penultimate chapter of the novel "Lord of the flies", "Castle`s Rock", begins as Ralph and, the only members left of his tribe, Piggy and the twins, Sam and Eric, hold an assembly to decide how to get Piggy`s glasses back, which were stolen by Jack`s tribe, and what to do about the signal fire.

Thy figure out that their only opportunity is to visit Jack at Castle`s Rock.
Arriving at Castle`s Rock, Ralph blows into the conch shell for an assembly, that is, however, disapproved (abgelehnt?) by Roger, Jack`s attendant, and he starts to throw stones at them, aiming to miss.
Meanwhile Jack returns from hunting and immediately tells Ralph to leave his territory.
Ignoring Jack`s demand, Ralph explains why they came and attemnpts to remind the others of the importance of the signal fire.
After a moment of silence, Jack orders his hunters to capture the twins and to tie them up.
Ralph gets rather angry over trhis and the two begin to fight.
In the meantime, Piggy makes himself heard over the brawl and starts to speak, constantly accomanbied by an invidious booing.
Roger again throws stones onto Piggy, but since Piggy goes on, he leans on a lever that finally falls towards Ralph and Piggy.
Ralph is able to dodge, but Piggy is fully strucked by the gigantic rock and due to its weight he falls onto a rock in the sea. His inanimate body is then carried away by the water.
Interrupting the complete silence, Jack shouts at Ralph and begins to throw spears after him, soon accompanied by his hunters.
Knowing that he has no more chance to defend, Ralph takes flight.
The chapter ends when Jack tortures the twins and forces them to accept his authority and to join his tribe.

Wer das Buch ebenfalls gelsen hat, könnte mir ja vielleicht sagen, was ich rauslassen kann, da ich denke, dass es für ein summary etwas zu lang ist.:)
Danke schonmal!
Frage von messiargentinia (ehem. Mitglied) | am 23.05.2010 - 00:20

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