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voll kein plan!

Frage: voll kein plan!
(7 Antworten)

also heute ist echt nciht mein Tag..problem in deutsch und nun ach ncoh englisch...
ich hoff ihr könnt mir helfen!
Wir müssen diese Aufgabe zum folgenden Texten machen:

explain the term mais-en-scéne and what it means for the wacher!

Text A:
Mise-en-scéne is a French term and originates in the theater.
It means,literally,"put in the scene."For the film, it has a broader meaning and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot,including the composition it self:framing,movement of the camera and characters, lighting,set desing and general visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition. mise-en-scéne can be defined as the articulation of cinematic space, and it is precisely space that it is about. Cutting is about time;the shot is about what occurs in a defined area of space, bordered by the frame of the movie screem and determined by what the camera has been made to record. That space, mise-en-scéne, can be unique, closed off by the frame, of open, providing the illusion of more space around it.

Mise-en-scéne filmmaking directs our attention to the space of the shot itself.It slows down producion,i.e., wehere care must be taken in performance, lighting, and compositon.

Films that depend on mise-en-scéne ask true viewers to pause and examine the compositional spaces of the narrative. The classocal continuity style is directiv the mise-en-scéne styly contemplative.


Mise-en-scéne,from french, means somethin like:"Arranging th scene°". Essentially this is the name given to the desing and arranging of the frame.This generally includes the location design,props, and also design of actors clothing and additional props that provide information about the film´s characters.
A film watcher´s first perception of the film he is watching is usually the location where the first scene occurs, or the outer appearance of the character taking part in the opening of the scene. This first impression (if you will), can provide watchers with a wealth og information regarding the character and the location, without that information having to be"spoken".
On a higher level, this information can be used a subtext, to enhance the ideas the film is trying to make.
For instance, when we first meet Barton in the Coen brother´s Barton Fink, he is celebrating in a New-York bar (i think).
Before he even says a word, wehave already read a wealth of information- the time span when the film is taking place, first details regarding our hero´s tidiness and maybe even his profession, and of course about the places he likes to frequent.
Each discipline of mise-en-scéne encompasses tools that may be used to enhance the film.

sooooooooooooo das waren die beieden texte bittttttte bitte helft mir!
Lg und danke im vorraus Sabbel1990
GAST stellte diese Frage am 05.11.2006 - 18:23

Antwort von GAST | 05.11.2006 - 18:39
bitte leute ohne euch bekomme ich morgen einen mords ärger weil die nehmen da keine rücksicht wenn man das nciht versteht

Antwort von GAST | 05.11.2006 - 18:44
was meinst du denn wer sich das alles durchliest?

Antwort von GAST | 05.11.2006 - 18:45
hoffentlich irgentwer.......sonst hab cih morgen ein riesennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn problem!

Antwort von GAST | 05.11.2006 - 18:53
mir wäre ja schon geholfen, wenn ihr euch einen text durch lest und mir dazu helfen könnt!1

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 05.11.2006 - 18:59
ich weiß ehrlich gesagt gar nich so ganz, wo das problem bei der frage ist, zumindest bei dem ersten teil, also explain the terme.
ich hab jetzt ncht alles durchgelesen, aber da steht doch so viel drin

- mise-en-scéne can be defined as the articulation of cinematic space
- desing and arranging of the frame.
- refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot: framing,movement of the camera and characters, lighting,set desing and general visual environment, even sound

... nur so paar sachen aus dem ersten text. wenn du es nicht umschreiben willst nimm halt einfahc die wichtigten sätze raus

zu dem zweiten teil der frage:
-Mise-en-scéne filmmaking directs our attention to the space of the shot itself.
- Films that depend on mise-en-scéne ask true viewers to pause and examine the compositional spaces of the narrative.

Antwort von GAST | 05.11.2006 - 19:15
danke echt du hast mir den kopf gerettet.........................danke danke danke.....

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 05.11.2006 - 19:17
ist aber nur aus dem ersten text. den zweiten wollt ich mir nich mehr durchlesen... aber bitte :)

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