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Inhaltsangabe Macbeth

Frage: Inhaltsangabe Macbeth
(2 Antworten)

Hi leutz,lesen grad Macbeth in der schule un ich bräucht dringend noch ne inhaltsangabe der einzelnen akte un szenen.

hat einer von euch zufällig sowas oder weiß wo ich es finden kann

Ps für die ganz schlauen ja ich habe schon gegoggelt un dass mehrmals
GAST stellte diese Frage am 24.04.2006 - 21:15

Antwort von GAST | 24.04.2006 - 21:18

Macbeth`s first soliloquy reaffirms that the three witches, by informing him that he will be "king hereafter" (1.3.50), have merely kindled his own innermost desire to obtain the throne.
Their prediction may encourage Macbeth to act upon his secret thoughts, as does the prodding of Lady Macbeth, but it does not dictate Macbeth`s course of action. Macbeth makes a conscious choice to forsake morality and pursue his "Vaulting ambition" (28). This soliloquy exposes Macbeth`s conflicting feelings about the murder. His first thoughts revolve around the consequences of committing the crime. In lines 1-12 his primary concern and reason for hesitation is the possibility that someone will exact that "even-handed Justice" (10) upon him. Once Macbeth usurps the throne there will be others who will plot to steal it from him. Some critics seem to end their analysis at this point and conclude that Macbeth "wishes intensely the death of Duncan" (Langford xxxv) and that only his fear of potential ramifications is a deterrent. However, the second half of the soliloquy supports the fact that Macbeth is deeply troubled by the horror of killing Duncan, who is a benevolent ruler, honest man, and good friend. It is guilt and not fear of the consequences that is Macbeth`s greatest obstacle.

Macbeth has killed Duncan and has become king of the Scots, yet he believes his crown is in jeopardy. The menace is Banquo. Like Macbeth, Banquo knows that there were two key parts to the unearthly revelation: first, that Macbeth will become king, and second, that Banquo will beget future kings. Macbeth fears Banquo is planning a coup to hasten the day of triumph for his heirs. Macbeth`s mistrust of Banquo causes him to dwell on the Witches` prediction that he will have no successors of his own. Thinking that he has murdered Duncan to secure the throne for Banquo`s offspring, Macbeth`s unease grows to ferocious enmity as he vows to crush Fate`s kingly plans for Banquo`s children.
A comparison between the above soliloquy and Macbeth`s previous soliloquies in 1.7 and 2.1 reveals a key change in his character. Macbeth is again contemplating murder, but what impels his deliberation this time is not guilt and shame but panic and rage. The murder of Duncan has made the murder of Banquo a necessity and, more importantly to Macbeth`s character development, a facile task. Gone is any trace of the humanity under the vaulting ambition -- gone are the moments of reflection and regret that prompted “this Duncan/Hath borne his faculties so meek” (1.7.17) and that incited the shameful plea “Thou sure and firm-set earth, Hear not my steps” (2.1.56). Macbeth forfeited his soul with the murder of Duncan. What is left now is the husk of a man who shows not a hint of compunction as he plans the murder of his noble friend. There is no remorse after the deed either. He was unable to say `Amen` after Duncan’s murder; now he effortlessly says “Thanks” to the hired assassins who slay Banquo, adding maliciously, “There the grown serpent lies” (3.4.38).
What makes Macbeth a tragic character and saves him from becoming a one-dimensional monster is that he is perpetually conscious of his evil choices. He is poignantly aware of the rapid deterioration of his humanity, as we will see in his final and pivotal soliloquy in Act 5. macbeth soliloques
so das ist englisch wenn du hilfe brauchst steh ich gern für dich bereit:P

Antwort von GAST | 24.04.2006 - 21:21
danke aber des is leider net ganz was ich suche,hatte eher so was wie ein szenarium gemeint in dem zu jeder szene ein satz steht um was es da geht

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