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The Melting Pot - Dudley Randall

Frage: The Melting Pot - Dudley Randall
(2 Antworten)

There is a magic melting pot

where any girl or man
can step in Czech or Greek or Scot,
step out American.

Johann and Jan and Jean and Juan,
Giovanni and Ivan
step in and then step out again
all freshly christened John.

Sam, watching, said, "Why, I was here
even before they came."
and stepped in too, but was tossed out
before he passed the brim.

And every time Sam tried that pot
they threw him out again.

"Keep out. This is our private pot.
We don"t want your black stain."

At last, thrown out a thousand times,
Sam said, "I don"t give a damn.
Shove your old pot. You can like it or not,
but I"ll be just what I am."

Kann mir das vlt jemand erklären?
Ich check" das net so ganz...
GAST stellte diese Frage am 24.11.2005 - 19:07

Antwort von GAST | 24.11.2005 - 19:09
es dir übersetzten! vielleicht is es dein leichta zu blicken ^^

Antwort von GAST | 24.11.2005 - 19:17
Ne das Englisch ist nicht das Prob. Ich versteh den Sinn nicht oO

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