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Wie können Biologie-Majors mit all diesen harten Klassen umg

Frage: Wie können Biologie-Majors mit all diesen harten Klassen umg
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 2
So I`m a major in biology in the second year.
My school is a community college, technically it`s a major in science. I have completed all of the biology courses I need with simple A, just like my electives. Now I`m taking algebra and chemistry and I`m very, very bad. I`ve never been good at these subjects in high school and have big problems with it. I have so much homework that it is so difficult for me to speak to the professor and really understand these topics. It seems like I only have time to get things done, but I always race through all the other schoolwork I do. I just feel very discouraged because even if I spend a lot of time studying these concepts, it takes SO long to get them. I just feel that organic is right for me at all, because I do so poorly in math and chemistry. It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well
Frage von NiganDong | am 13.04.2020 - 10:06

Beiträge 40303
Antwort von matata | 13.04.2020 - 10:22
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Beiträge 2
Antwort von NiganDong | 25.04.2020 - 06:25
So I`m a major in biology in the second year.
My school is a community college, technically it`s a major in science. I have completed all of the biology courses I need with simple A, just like my electives. Now I`m taking algebra and chemistry and I`m very, very bad. I`ve never been good at these subjects in high school and have big problems with it. I have so much homework that it is so difficult for me to speak to the professor and really understand these topics. It seems like I only have time to get things done, but I always race through all the other schoolwork I do. I just feel very discouraged because even if I spend a lot of time studying these concepts, it takes SO long to get them. I just feel that organic is right for me at all, because I do so poorly in math and chemistry. It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. XXXXXXXX I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well It is mainly the mathematical concepts of chemistry that worry me. I can`t help but feel stupid because I`m not from a "smart" family, especially none in STEM. XXXXXX My contribution is everywhere, I apologize. I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well I am on the border between passed and failed chemistry and it is my FIRST chemistry class. I think I could use some advice or even stories about some classes failing, but come back strong or something. I`m feeling very discouraged right now, thanks. Hope you all stay well thankyou

Edit: Werbung entfernt

Beiträge 8
Antwort von Suchender333 | 27.04.2020 - 10:15
Well. I believe that you have to use the Corona-holidays to relearn the basics in chemistry and maths. Where do you exactly started to hung up? Chemistry is a step-by-step course so you would definitely fail if you don`t understand the basics. Good luck! As to the story... I`m not from a STEM family either. You have to believe in yourself. I got chosen for a university course in HH(I`m only a ninth grader), and the guys around me have at least one parent as math-professor. I thought that I might do everything wrong but I managed to keep with them. So can you!

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