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Facharbeit: Reading log zu Nick Hornby's "About a boy"

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Chapter 1

Location:Marcus´and Fiona´s home
Characters:Marcus, Fiona and Roger

Summary: Fiona, Marcus´mother, splits with Roger, her boyfriend. Marcus is interested about the reasons they split up and so they have a conversation about them. After thta they watch TV. Marcus worries about her mental state and only cgooses troubleless films and they order pizza and have a quite normal evening.

Chapter 2

Location:Will´s flat
Characters:Will, John, Christine and their children Barney and Imogen

Summary: Will joins an afternoon alone in his flat to definite how cool he is. Later that day he visits John and Christine, both are friends of him. A few weeks ago they get a new baby calles Imogen, so that Barney, their two-year old haves a sister. They want Will to be her godfather but Will does not really like children. John and Christine also know Jessica, Will´s exgirlfriend, thats why Will starts to think about her.

Chapter 3

Location: At home / school
Characters: Marcus, some kids from school

Summary: Marcus can not sleep because he is afraid of school. Marcus is weird and he knows that the other kids bully him because they know he does not want to defend himself. But in the first period after break they reas a book and then they discuss how to get to know if somebody is mad. One girl make a bad joke about Marcus´ singing in class and the young teacher does not helps him.

Chapter 4

Location: Record shop / cafe
Characters: Will and Angie

Summary: Will meets Angie, a young mother in a record shop. He likes her so he pretends he loke children, only to get the chance for a date with her. First their relationship seems to work but then Angie splits up because she thinks Will wants not waiste his time with a single parent mother and so she quit their relationship.

Chapter 5

Location: At home / School
Characters: Fiona, Marcus, Nicky and Mark

Summary: Fiona starts to cry in the morning. Marcus knows that is a bad sign. Later in scholl, at break time, Nicky and Mark, Marcus thinks their are nice, send him away becase they are afraid of the older guys because they always harass him and they do not want to get their victims, too. Marcus does not have a great time at school in general because they always mistreat him because he is different.

Chapter 6

Location: Will´s home / adult education centre
Characters: Will and the SPAT Members (SPAT= Single Parents - Alone Together)

Summary: Will pretends to be a single father baecause he wants to join the SPAT group to mett more women like Angie, who really impressed him. At the single parent group he meets Suzie who seems really nice to him. To join the group he invents Ned, his imaginary two year old son.

Chapter 7

Location: Shop / at home
Characters: Fiona, Marcus, Mr. Patel and some stupid guys

Summary: Marcus goes shopping because he wants to spent the weekend at his father´s home in Cambridge. But at the shop are some bad guys from school who following Marcus and put some sweets and other thigs in his pocket so Mr. Patel is forced to think Marcus want to steel them. But Mr. Patel has seen the boys and so Marcus can go home without punishment. At home Fiona tells Marcus that Suzie has invite him to the yearly SPAT picnic but Marcus does not really want because he does not like SPAT.

Chapter 8

Location:Regent Park
Charakters: Will, Suzie, Marcus and Megan
Summary: Will meets Suzie and Marcus an Regent´s Park to the picnic. Will does not know Marcus because Suzie has not tell him anything but Will thinks that Marcus is really weird. Will is not nice to him, his behaviour towards Marcus is quite unfriendly but Marcus does not act better than Will. Later that day Will forgets Ned, his son, in conversation with Suzie. Marcus wants to feed a duck, but the piece of bread is to big and so he kills the duck.

Chapter 9

Location: Regent Park
Characters:Suzie, Will, Marcus and the Parkkeeper

Summary: Marcus is shocked about the dead duck. A parkkeeper appears to punish Marcus for his "murderer" but Will defends Marcus in front of him. The parkkeeper goes away. Then they go to get Marcus home. When they arrive at the flat they find Fiona lying on the sofa, looking really ill. She had have a suicide attempt. Will calls the ambulance. Suzie is really angry about Fiona because she haves a child but she is also afraid of the possible dying of Fiona.

Chapter 10

Location: Hospital
Characters: Will, Marcus and Suzie

Summary: Will goes with Suzie and Marcus to the hzospital. He tries to make Marcus happy and is friendly to him because he feels pity for him. Will now invents Paula, his ex-wife because Suzie wants to know the name of her.

Chapter 11

Location: At home
Characters: Marcus, Fiona and Suzie

Summary: Fiona has written an farewell and Marcus finds it when he gets home from hospital. Later that day Suzie comes to bring Fiona home frome hospital. Marcus feels really strange. Marcus is afraid of his mother state and so he decides not to trouble her. So they spent a normal evening with no trouble.

Chapter 12
Location: Will´s flat
Characters: Marcus and Will

Summary: Suzie calls Will and asks him if he could take a little bit care about Marcus because she thinks he is lonely. Will agrees. Will buys a magazine to find out what he can do with Marcus when he takes him out. In the afternoon Marcus calls Will. He uses the chance to invite Marcus do do anytging with him, but Marcus only wants to if he can take his mum with them. Will agrees again. Later that day Will visits the Mothercare shop to buy a car seat to convince to Marcus and Fiona that Ned exists.

Chapter 13
Location: London
Characters: Marcus, Will and Fiona

Summary: Marcus wants to go to Planet Hollywood because he has heard sometimes you can meet celebrities there. But they have to wait a really long time and so Fiona and Will decides to go to an other resturant. At the resturant which Will has recommended Fiona and Marcus tells Will that they are vegetarians. Will can not understand this. He also can not find anything good at Fiona and so they all spend a terrible afternoon.

Chapter 14
Location: At home
Characters: Marcus, Will and Fiona

Summary: Will first times visit Marcus and Fiona. But now he really knows that Fiona absolutely is not his type. At home marcus and Fiona sing "Killing me softly" at the piano with eyes closed what makes Will sick. Later that week Marcus visits Will first time and they spent an afternoon together. Thats why marcus now knows that Will does not have a child but he does not really care about it.

Chapter 15
Location: Will´s flat
Characters: Marcus and Will

Summary: Marcus visits Will again. Will does not know why but they spent the afternoon gain and talk about many things like music and television.

Chapter 16
Location:Will´s flat / Shop
Characters: Will, Marcus, some guys from school and the shop assistent

Summary: ill almost like Marcus´ visits. One day Marcus ran away from some bad guys from school and comes to Will´s flat to find security. That day Will recognizes that Marcus is a real poor kid with no friends and no luck. Thats why they go out. Will wants to buy Marcus cool, but expensive shoes. Marcus does not want but at least Will can convince him. The day after Marcus visits Will again after school, but without the cool boots because the kids in school had stolen them.

Chapter 17
Location: At home
Characters: Marcus, Will and Fiona

Summary: Fiona is really mad about Marcus because she does not know about his visits at Will´s flat. But she is also mad about Will becaus she thinks he is only so nice to Marcus because he wants to abuse Marcus. Thats why they start a real big argue. But Fiona and Marcus have an argue, too. Fiona does not like that Marcus makes decisions without asking her before.

Chapter 18
Location: Town / Will´s flat
Characters: Fiona and Will

Summary: Will listens to his father´s song first time this year. He hates this song although he earns his money with it. Fiona calls him in the afternoon ecause she thinks Will already had take part in Marcus´ life because he chooses him as his personal mal figure. So they decide to meet to talk about the whole situation about Marcus and Will. Will really do not like Fiona, she seems too weird to him. But Fiona does not want marcus at Will´s place because she does not really like him, too.

Chapter 19
Location: At home / School
Characters: Fiona, marcus, Ellie McCrae and Mrs. Morrisson

Summary: Fiona forbids Marcus to visit Will but he will not obey her. At school Marcus haves to talk with the headmistress Mrs. Morrisson about his schoes. At the headmistresses office he meets Ellie McCrae, a really rebellious girl at his school. They had a real weird conversation and Ellie makes jokes about Marcus because he does not know who Kurt Cobain is. Mrs. Morrisson does not really help marcus, she only gives him fonger tips to get out of the way of the shoe thieves. That makes Marcus reallly angry and so goes away from school, now he is a truant.

Chapter 20
Location: Upper Street / Will´s flat
Characters: Will and Marcus

Summary: Will sees Marcus walking down Upper Street although he should be in school. In the afternoon Marcus comes to Will´s flat again. At first Will wants not answer the door but then he open it. Marcus tells Will about the story with Elli and askes him who Kirk O´Bane is and Will explains him everything. Will now see that he should teach Marcus how to be a real kid

Chapter 21
Location: School
Characters: Marcus, Ellie and Zoe

Summary: At school marcus talks to Ellie again and he sees that she is nice to him. Elli and her friend Zoe think that Marcus is really funny. Thats why Ellie takes marcus to the older pupils form room. On the way to get there a teacher stops them because he thinks maybe Ellie wants to hurt Marcus but she tells him that she has adopted Marcus.

Chapter 22
Location: At home
Characters: Will, Marcus, Clive, Lindsey
Summary: Marcus invites Will to spent Christmas with them, at first Will does not want because he thinks Suzie is mad about him but then he says yes. He thiks that they have a strange kind of Christmas and Will wonders about why Fiona and Clive can be nice to each other although they have nothing in common anymore than Marcus. Will gives Marcus the "Nevermind" LP by Nirvana, which nakes Marcus really happy.

Chapter 23
Location: At home
Characters:Will, Marcus, Suzie, Fina, Clive and Lindsey

Summary: Fiona and Clive have a serious argue about Clive´s joint and that he always takes drugs in front of their son. Then Suzie and Megan arrive for a drink and a chat. Marcus is angry about the others behaviour towards Will because they are not really nice to him. Suzie is angry about him because she always thinks that he really is an single father. But Marcus tells them taht they have to be nice to Will because Will is his friend.

Chapter 24
Location: New Year´s Eve Party
Characters: Will and Rachel

Summary: Will meets Rachel firts time at the New Year´s Eve Party. He really thinks she is nice. Later that evening they kiss each other and find out that "both" have a twelve year old son, because Will does not tell her that Marcus is not his son but she thinks so. Alistair, Rachel´s son is also Nirvana fan. rachel and Will wants to meet each other again tigether with their "boys". Will also tells Rachel that Fiona is his ex, so Rachel thinks she has meet the perfect single father to fit.

Chapter 25
Location: Suzie´s home
Characters: Marcus, Ellie, Suzie, Ellie´s mum, Tim Porter, Fiona

Summary: Marcus is at Suzie´s New Year´s Party and Ellie is there too. marcus now sees that 1993 is not the best year he ever had. Marcus worries also a little bit about Fiona, bacuase people like her, that means such unhappy people, often kill themselves at such days. Because of that Marcus and Ellie have an interesting conversation about parents, suicide attemps and their roles in society. Marcus wants to dance with Elli but for her there is nothing more embarassing than dancing. Ellie and Marcus catch Ellie´s mum snogging with Tim Porter in the garden.

Chapter 26
Location: Will´s flat / Rachel´s flat
Characters: Marcus, Will, Rachel and Alistair

Summary: Will tries to explain Marcus why rachel thinks he is his son but Marcus can not really understand. Will wants Rachel to be his girlfriend although he only meet her once. Will wins the discussion, their go to Rachel and want to do like father and son. Marcus tries to teach Will peieces of information he should know if he is his father. Will is a little bit embarassed about Marcus because Alistair is much cooler than Marcus with his cool clothes and such stuff.

Chapter 27
Location:Rachel´s flat
Characters: marcus, Will, Rachel and Alistair

Summary: Alistair is really mean to Marcus an he says he is going to kill him if his father goes out with rachel. Marcus runs away from Rachel´s place because he is fed up with Alistair and his speech impressed him really much. Will finds him at a bus station near Rachel´s place, he can convince him to come back and tells him that Ali is crying like a little baby because Marcus left. Rachel tell them that her last boyfriend has not been so nice to Alistair as he has to be and so Ali is also afraid of a new relationship of her. Later Marcus and oe go shopping, while the girls buy chocolate bars some guys appear and buly Marcus. Bacause of that Elli hit one of them.

Chapter 28
Location: Will´s flat
Characters: Marcus, Will and Rachel

Summary: Marcus is fascinated about that Ellie hit this guy. But Will tells him that their relationship seems more like an owner-pet relationship to him than a normal one. Later that day Will meets Rachel for supper and he tries to explain her the whole thing with Marcus but she can not really understand why he do that. Because of their conversation Will reconizes that Marcus means anything to him, that he had become vulnerable.

Chapter 29
Location: At home
Charakters: Marcus, Fiona, will and Ellie

Summary: Marcus haves some good weeks without realizing it but then Fiona starts the morning crying again. Marcus tells Will that his mum is depressed again and wants hin to help her. But Will explains Marcus that they only are frerinds althuogh if he is an adult and so it is not his duty to care about his mum. At school Ellie is sad because Kurt Cobain had an suicide attemp but Marcus can not understand her because he thinks that his mum is more real than him and so his problem is uch more important than hers.

Chapter 30
Location: Rachel´s home
Characters: Will and Rachel

Summary: Will haves a really strange mood, so he decides to visit Rachel. He can not understand why they have had no sex yet. Few time later she wants him to her bedroom and then tey have sex. Later rachel explains Will why Fiona is such depressed and she agreed to talk to her.

Chapter 31
Location: At home / King´s Cross
Characters: Marcus, Fiona and Ellie

Summary: Marcus´dad break his collar bone and so Fiona wants him to visit him but Marcus does not feel pity for his dad. But he haves to go. Ellie wants to come with him, what makes marcus happy. At the day they want to leave, Kurt Cobain committs suicide. Marcus wants to hide this news from Ellie but she already knows it.

Chapter 32
Location: Resturant
Characters: Will and Fiona

Summary: Will,Rachel and Fina will meet for supper but rachel does not appear, so Will is alone with Fiona and now he is forced to talk to her. Fiona cries a lot but he can help a little bit because he listens to her. Later that evening they leave the bar and go to Pizza Express and order some pizza. Will now knows Fiona better than before. Fiona is worries about Marcus because she knowas that Kurt Cobain killed himself.

Chapter 33
Location: Train / Rosyton
Characters: Marcus, Ellie, Clive and Lindsey

Summary: Ellie gets drunk at the train to Cambridge and they have a great conversation about their lives and the general sense of life. Suddenly, at the next station, Ellie leaves the train and Marcus follows her. Ellie destroys a window of a record shop becaus there hang a picture of Kurt Cobain. So Marcus and Ellie have to go to the police station because of the broke window. Later Clive and Lindsey arrive and Marcus and Ellie have a interrestin discussion about about Clive and his care about his son and Fiona´s suicide attempt.

Chapter 34
Location: London / Police station
Characters: iona, Will, Katrina, Ellie, Marcus, Clive, Lindsey

Summary: Katrina, Ellie´s mum informs Fiona about everything and so they call Will to drive them to Royston. When they arrive there really bad vibes at the police station. The owner of the record shop, Ruth, arrives and first Elliue hates her because she thinks Ruth only wants to make money with Kurt Cobain but then she realizes taht both are huge fans of him. Later they all can go and so they go to eat some burger. Marcus haves an argue with his father because he wants him to come with him but Fiona wants him back to London.

Chapter 35
Location: Cambridge
Characters: Marcus and Clive

Summary: Marcus stays with his father. Clive thinks alot about his live since his accident, now he knows that he has been a bad father and wantsn to change his behaviour towards Marcus. Marcus make some jokes about Clive´s broken collar bone. They also talk about Lindsey because she wants a baby with Clive.

Chapter 36
Location: Somewhere :-)
Characters: Marcus, Will, Alistair and Fiona

Summary: Will now knows that he loves Rachel. He goes out with Ali and Marcus to give their mothers a break. Ali askes Will if he wants to marry Rachel and now Will have to think about it. Fiona is worries because Marcus seems much older now but Will tries to explain her that this is good for him. He makes a test: Will wants Marcus to sing a Joni Mitchell song but Marcus does not want to. Now Will knows that he haves help Marcus to change himself.
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