Community Service:Essay bitte korrigieren
Frage: Community Service:Essay bitte korrigieren(1 Antwort)
Ich musste in Englisch einen Aufsatz über gemeinnützige Arbeit schreiben, könnt ihr bitte die Rechtschreibfehler verbessern? Why people do community service: Community sevice is a work where you didn´t get payment and if other peolpe do this work they could get money. 13.5 million people in Germany do a community service. They work in their freetime without payment. For me this are the heros of our time. They do it to find their own sense in their life. Sometimes they work 10 hours in a buro but do not like their jobs. They just do it to get money (helps the family) but this does not make fun. If to find their sense they help others. Other grounds are to get the feel useful. In America every student have to to 10 hours ocmmunity service in a year. I think this is a really good idea. Students help other people. They see how it is if you are poor or hungry. They learn new compentence. If they have to collect garbage, they will not et their garbage on the streets becuase they knwo that a other one have to collect it and sometimes they have to do ot on their own. |
Frage von 12345678955 | am 09.05.2018 - 15:53 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 09.05.2018 - 23:34 |
Community service is a work where you don`t get payment for and if other people do this work they may get money. 13.5 million people in Germany do a community service. They coach a football team, They work in their freetime without payment. For me these are the heroes of our time. They do it to find the meaning of their own life. Sometimes they work 10 hours in an office but do not like their jobs. They just do it to get money (helps the family) but this does not make fun. If to find their sense they help others. Other reasons are to get the feeling of being used. In America every student has to do 10 hours community service in a year. I think this is a real good idea. Students help other people. They see how it is if you are poor or hungry. They learn new compentence. If they have to collect garbage, they will not throw their garbage on the streets because they know that another one has to collect it and sometimes they have to do it on their own. |
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