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Bitte Korrektur dringend HILFE / Gramma Rechtschreib Formuli

Frage: Bitte Korrektur dringend HILFE / Gramma Rechtschreib Formuli
(4 Antworten)

Beiträge 8
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, today I would like to introduce you to my new gadget: the “Apple iWatch” Series 3.

I will start with some general information on the smart watch. Apple Watch is a smartwatch announced by the US company Apple on September 9, 2014 and available since April 24, 2015. On September 12, 2017, the third generation of the Apple Watch Series 3 was introduced.

Let me start with my first point, the material. the apple watch has 3 different housing types once there is the apple watch in aluminum and once there is in metal and finally there is again the apple watch in gold. You can also change the bracelet. There are many variations of bracelets. For example, you have rubber bracelets or you have stainless steel bracelets. This is all I have to say about the material.
Now I would talk about my second point, the functions. It is a watch by which make a phone call, take pictures on check the weather. The smart watch looks very elegant. The smart watch has its own internet connection as well as GPS and navigation. With this smart watch, it is impossible to get lost. It is important to now that the iWatch works only with an iPhone. An app on the iPhone connects the phone to the iWatch where you can message and open and read e-mails directly. The iWatch is fully battery operated and must be charged every 3 days. To recharge you do not need any cable. It is charged by an "Inferot dock station".
Finally I will cover my last point, the design. The “Apple iWatch” has remained true to its design since 2014. It is square and a little bit wide. Unfortunately, you can not select a different color except the material color. The bracelets are available in different colors. In summary, I can say that unfortunately there is no different design
In summary to my three points I would say that there are different materials and also different bracelets. The price is crucial for the material. There are many functions to the apple watch a lot of apps and also games you can play. There are not enough design possibilities.
Since 2014 Apple has always used the same design.

In my opinion it is a very expensive device but it is worth it’s money because it makes life easier an is great fun. Apple Watch can help promote the people health and wellness.
That brings me to the end of my presentation, thanks for listening.
Frage von Marsi66 | am 20.12.2017 - 19:18

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 20.12.2017 - 20:11
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Schau deinen Text lieber selber noch einmal an und versuche die schlimmsten Rechtschreib- oder Grammatikfehler selber zu beheben.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Cortana (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.12.2017 - 21:30
- The housing of the apple watch is available in three different versions: For one in aluminum, for another in metal and also in gold.
- Even the bracelets are gettable in many variations, for example as a rubber-bracelet or one out of stainless steel. (Den darauf folgenden Satz brauchst du meiner Meinung nach nicht unbedingt, da du das schon davor erwähnt hast)
- Now I`d like to talk about my second point, the functions of the apple watch. It can make phone calls as well as taking pictures and check the weather. (The smart watch looks very elegant. => komplett weglassen - passt nicht zu Funktionen)
- Of Course the smart watch owns an internet Connection and GPS as well as Navigation, so getting lost is impossible. [It is important to now that the iWatch works only with an iPhone. An app on the iPhone connects the phone to the iWatch where you can message and open and read e-mails directly. => Diesen Teil an den Anfang, da das eine grundlegende Information ist]
- For recharging a cable is not necessary. By dint of an "Inferot dock Station" the watch gets charged.
- In my opinion it is a very expensive device but it is worth it’s Money, because of the many functions, which make life easier. (Das mit dem fun wird weggelassen, da du das noch mal begründen müsstest => Hast ja nur nützliche Funktionen genannt)
- In this Spirit I end my presentation and thank you for listening.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 20.12.2017 - 21:41
Rechtschreibung Grammatik Formulierungen - Bemerkungen
1. Absatz ok
2. Absatz:
Let me start with my first point, the material. The ( Satzanfang Großschreibung ! ) Apple Watch ( eingetragener Name, daher immer Großschreibung ! ) has 3 different housing types, once the Apple Watch is made of aluminium, another case can be made of metal and finally you can also order the Apple Watch in gold. There are also many variations of bracelets. ( zwei Sätze zusammengefasst ) For example, you have rubber or stainless steel bracelets. So much for the subject of `material`.
3. Absatz:
Now I would like to talk about my second point, the functions. It is a watch by which you can make a phone call, take pictures or check the weather. The smart watch looks very elegant and (Sätze verbinden…) has its own internet connection as well as GPS and navigation. With this smart watch, it is impossible to get lost. It is important to know that the iWatch works only with an iPhone. An app on the iPhone connects the phone to the iWatch where you can message and open and read e-mails directly. The iWatch is fully battery operated and must be charged every 3 days. To recharge it you don’t use any cable but an "infrared docking station".
4. Absatz:
Finally I will cover my last point, the design. The “Apple iWatch” has remained true to its design since 2014. It is square and a little bit wide. Unfortunately, you cannot select a different colour except the watchcase and the bracelet colour. (den letzten Satz würde ich weglassen)
5. Absatz:
In summary to my three points I would say that there are different materials and also different bracelets. The price is depending on the material. There are many functions to the Apple Watch, a lot of apps and also games you can play. There are not enough design possibilities.
Since 2014 Apple has always used the same design. (steht schon zu Beginn von Ansatz 4, daher hier streichen )
6. Absatz:
In my opinion it is a very expensive device but it is worth the money because it makes life easier and is great fun. Apple Watch can help promote the people’s health and wellness ( das fehlt aber in Deiner Beschreibung der Funktionen, siehe unten… ).
That brings me to the end of my presentation, thanks for listening.

Hier noch 4 Funktionen, die keine Erwähnung finden:
1. Track Your Runs
2. Monitor Your Heart Rate
3. Track Your Fitness
Und diese wichtige Funktion fehlt auch
4. Control Your Smart Home (Einbruchschutz, Brandschutz)

Beiträge 8
Antwort von Marsi66 | 20.12.2017 - 23:03
danke für die vielen und netten Korrektur Hilfen

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