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Rechtschreibung korrigieren, bitte

Frage: Rechtschreibung korrigieren, bitte
(2 Antworten)

bitte um eine rechtschreib korrektur

This is a funny sentence I think, but Meeks is right. Like the description in this book, the Welton-Academy isn’t a relaxing zone. There is hard work for the students.

2. With this expression Mr. Keating said something really new, which fascinate the boys very much. It isn’t a normal expression in schools and so it is something wonderful.

3. This is the chief characteristic in the book ‘Dead Poets Society’. It means, that you should enjoy your live and not ever see the duties.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 13.12.2010 - 20:44

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.12.2010 - 21:11
This is a funny sentence I think, but Meeks is actually right. Like the description in this book, the Welton-Academy isn’t a relaxing zone. The students have to work hard.

2. With this expression, Mr. Keating said something really new, which fascinates the boys very much. It isn’t a normal expression in schools, so it is something wonderful.

3. This is the chief`s characteristic in the book ‘Dead Poets Society’. It means, that you should enjoy your life and not focusing on duties.

Meistens pack ich was dazu, damit es besser aussieht. Man kann einiges auch weglassen z.B "actually". Manchmal kommt es einfach besser rüber.

Antwort von GAST | 13.12.2010 - 21:31
I`ll correct the "corrections":

This is a funny sentence, I think, but Meeks is actually right. Like the description in this book, [---]a) Welton-Academy isn’t a relaxing zone. The students have to work hard.

2. With this expression, Mr. Keating has said something really new [---]b)which fascinates the boys very much. It isn’t a normal expression used at schools, so it is something wonderful.

3. This is the chief(1)characteristic of the book ‘Dead Poets`Society’. It means [---]2)that you should enjoy your life and not focus 3) on duties

a) allg. Name ohne best. Arikel!
b) notwendiger Relativsatz wird nicht durch Komma abgetrennt.

1) wenn du the chief`sstehen lässt, heißt es: "die charakteristik des Küchenchefs".
2) ne ver put a comma in front of "that"
3) nach should steht Infinitiv - und "should" streckt hier seine Beziehungen bis zum "enjoy" aus.

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