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Kann ich das so schreiben?

Frage: Kann ich das so schreiben?
(2 Antworten)

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könnt ihr mal schauen, ob ihr Rechtschreib- bzw.
Grammatikfehler sieht ?

Discrimination is everywhere. For example in active life, at school or during leisure time. Nowadays it’s one of the biggest topics. The problem is how can the problem be soluted? It has been suggested an affirmative action. In the following comment i will discuss whether an affirmative action is necessary or not.

Danke im Voraus

Frage von Kritias (ehem. Mitglied) | am 31.08.2013 - 21:11

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 31.08.2013 - 22:03
Discrimination is happening everywhere. For example in daily life,
at school or during leisure time. Nowadays it’s one of the biggest topics. The question is, how the problem can be solved? An affirmative action has been suggested. In the following comment I will discuss whether an affirmative action is necessary or not.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Kritias (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.08.2013 - 22:11
ah danke =)

Kannst du bitte das auch noch nachgucken ^^?

The first pro argument is that you won’t get discriminated. Affirmative action leads to reverse discrimination. It has been designed to end discrimination and unfair treatment of emplayees and students based on color. I mean how often are asked about things like your hair color, eye color, or height when you apply for a job. Hair & eye color or height don`t have any effect on your ability to do a job or succeed at a school. So that’s definitely useless to even ask about such things.


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