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Englisch Korrektur!

Frage: Englisch Korrektur!
(6 Antworten)

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Life in future - 2095 - A dystopian point of view

I write the year 2095.
A species of mechanical lifeforms reign over our planet. They are robots, create by humans. In former the humanity were obsessed of greed and power and want to create a better and stronger form of life in their laboratorys. So they bred cells and create bodys such as the humans looked like which were ristant to any resistance and wich have an infinite intelligent.
The result of this experiments are my present.
Everywhere you can look were destruction. The human race is suppressed and enslaved from them. Our foodrations were very low what is even just enough to survive.
These mechanical creatures look like humans, but they are stronger and intelligentlier than them.
We can`t find a way out of this world.
Even if we kill us they revive us and than they controlle and treat us harder. I cry softly "Held", "Help" to you, outside in the universe.

Geht das durch als ein dystopian essay?^^
Muss man noch was hinzufügen, von wegen wirtschaft etc?
Und sind dort rechtschreib- und grammatikfehler drinne?

Danke für Korrektur(-vorschläge)!
Frage von mopselratz | am 29.09.2010 - 21:00

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Antwort von IndigoGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.09.2010 - 21:24
I write the year 2095. A species of mechanical lifeforms reign over our planet. They are robots, created by humans. In former times the humanity has been obsessed by greed and power and wanted to create a better and stronger form of life in their laboratories. So they bred cells and created bodies so that the humans were looking restant to any resistance, having an infinite intelligence.

The results of those experiments are considered by me as being present.
Everywhere you look, you will see destruction. The human race is suppressed and enslaved by them. Our food rationing is very low which is even just enough to survive.
These mechanical creatures look like humans, but they are stronger and more intelligent than them.
We can`t find a way out of this world.
Even if we kill us, they will revive us and control us and treat us harder. I cry softly "Help", somebody outside in the universe: "help me".

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Antwort von IndigoGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.09.2010 - 21:28
...oder besser: "Help us."

Beiträge 3042
Antwort von mopselratz | 29.09.2010 - 21:33
So they bred cells and created bodies so that the humans were looking restant to any resistance, having an infinite intelligence.

Das "which" bei dem was ich geschrieben hab war auf die cells and bodies bezogen... muss da bei dem was du korrigiert hast dann nicht auch which hin, damit die zuhörer nicht denken das die menschen resistenz gegen jeglichen widerstand haben sondern diese bodies?!

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Antwort von mopselratz | 29.09.2010 - 21:41
Ich glaub du hast nicht so richtig verstanden was ich damit ausdrücken wollte oder?^^

looking restant to any resistance

"restant" ist hier aber das falsche wort oder?, es soll heißen "(...)welche resistent gegenüber allen Widerständen sind(...)"

Beiträge 3042
Antwort von mopselratz | 29.09.2010 - 22:23
sory mein fehler..
ich hatte ja ristant geschrieben

such as the humans looked like which were risistant to any resistance and wich have an infinite intelligent.

resistent to any resistance.. so meinte ich es^^

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Antwort von IndigoGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.09.2010 - 23:08
So they bred cells and created bodies so that the humans which were resistent to any resistance, having an infinite intelligence.

Wobei ich das seltsam finde mit "resistent to any resistance" Vielleicht solltest erklären, was du mit "resistance" meinst. Deseases? Oder etwas anderes? Vielleicht findest du ja noch ein anderes Wort dafür.

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