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(2 Antworten)

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Hallo :) Ich schreibe morgen höchswahrscheinlich über das Thema "gap year" eine Klausur und würde mich sehr freuen wenn jemand Kontrolle liest. Vielen Dank ;)

In my opinion, a gap year has many advantages but some disadvantages too. But t he possibilities are endless and an opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd!

One the one hand a stay abroad broadening your horizon. Whether your gap year is staying, the experience you have will be with you for the rest of your life.You can make time to visit local attractions you ve never visited and get to know the country‘s culture.

Furthermore, you`ll learn a new language. There’s no better way to learn a new language than to live in the country that speaks it. People who live in native speaking countries of their target language are able to pick up the basics much faster than people who stay at home. For example my sister was one year in Sweden and now she speaks Swedish fluently.

One the other hand, it can be expensive. This depends on the destination and the duration of the trip. You’re going to spend quite a bit of cash. It’s also a good idea to plan trips independently as this will cut costs dramatically.

In general, a year in a foreign country, far from home brings challenges which need to be overcome but afterwards you can win so many great experiences.
Frage von maya14 | am 04.05.2017 - 21:53

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 04.05.2017 - 22:59
In my opinion, a gap year has many advantages but some disadvantages, too. But the possibilities are endless and an opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd!

One the one hand a stay abroad may broaden your own horizon. Whether your gap year is staying, the experience you have will be with you for the rest of your life. You can make time to visit local attractions you’ve never visited and get to know the country‘s culture.

Furthermore, you`ll learn a new language or develop your language skills. There’s no better way to learn a new language than to live in the country that speaks it. People who live in native speaking countries of their target language are able to pick up the basics much faster than people who stay at home (geklaut hier). For example my sister was one year in Sweden and now she speaks Swedish fluently.

One the other hand, it can be expensive. This depends on the destination and the duration of the trip. You’re going to spend quite a bit of cash. It’s also a good idea to plan trips independently as this will cut costs dramatically (geklaut hier).

In general, a year in a foreign country, far from home, brings challenges which need to be overcome but afterwards you can win so many great experiences.

Insgesamt ein wenig dürftig; hier weitere Seiten zur Ideenfindung – nicht zum Abschreiben! Umformulieren!

  1. The Pros and Cons of Taking a Gap Year
  2. The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year
  3. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking A Gap Year

Beiträge 3
Antwort von maya14 | 05.05.2017 - 03:55
Vielen Dank :) Habe ihn auch um 100 Wörter kürzen müssen, da wir nur ca 160 Worte schreiben sollen.

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