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An Interview: Bitte könnten Sie meinen Text korrigieren.

Frage: An Interview: Bitte könnten Sie meinen Text korrigieren.
(1 Antwort)

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Interviewer: Hello Aysha.
Aysha: Hello.
Interviewer: I have some questions about your live as asylum seeker.
Can I tell you?
Aysha: Yes, it is a bit strange for me, but why not?
Interviewer: Ok so the first question, where do you come from and why do you left your country?
Aysha: I come from Syria. I left my country, because we have in Syria war.
Interviewer: That is sad and what do you miss about your country?
Aysha: Actually nothing. Every day I went outside, I saw many trash. But it is my home. My grandma and my grandpa live still there. I miss them.
Interviewer: What you find most difficult, about your new life?
Aysha: Some people bully me, because I am different. They say I am not including.
Interviewer: Why they think so? Have you tell this someone?
Aysha: No, I am be afraid to tell it someone.
Interviewer: Ok, What are you enjoying about your new life?
Aysha: The streets are cleaner then ours and sometimes I went to a shopping centre. We have not much money, but a bit.
Interviewer: So the last question, what you hope for the future?
Aysha: I hope I can see my grandparents.
Interviewer: Ok, thank you for the interview Aysha. Good bye
Aysha: Bye.
Frage von Boldos (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.12.2016 - 11:39

Beiträge 1
Antwort von chrysostome | 10.12.2016 - 14:54
hey, ich hoffe ich kann dir weiterhelfen.

Interviewer: Hello Aysha.
Aysha: Hello.
Interviewer: May I ask some questions about your life as an asylum seeker?
Aysha: Yes, it is a bit strange for me, but why not?
Interviewer: Ok so the first question, where do you come from and why did you leave your country?
Aysha: I am from Syria. I left my country, because we have war in Syria.
Interviewer: That is sad. What do you miss about your country?
Aysha: Actually nothing. Every day I went outside, I saw many trash (meinst du Zerstörung? destruction würde hier besser passen. Ansonsten ist es voll in Ordnung :)). But it is my home. My grandma and my grandpa still live there. I miss them.
Interviewer: What you find most difficult about your new life?
Aysha: Some people bully me, because I am different. They say I am not including. (~ sowas wie I don`t fit into their society?)
Interviewer: Why do they think so? Did you tell this someone?
Aysha: No, I am afraid of telling someone.
Interviewer: Ok, What are you enjoying about your new life?
Aysha: The streets are cleaner than ours and sometimes I go to a shopping centre. We don`t have much money, but a bit.
Interviewer: So the last question, what`s you hope for the future?
Aysha: I hope I can see my grandparents. (Oder: I`ll be able to see my grandparents in the future)
Interviewer: Ok, thank you for the interview Aysha. Goodbye
Aysha: Bye.

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