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Englisch Referat über the Beatles

Frage: Englisch Referat über the Beatles
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The Beatles

The Beatles were a pop group from Liverpool in England.
It is still regarded as the most successful band of the 20th century.No other band landed in the short period of 8 years as many number one hits in the charts.
In March 1964 (43 years ago), they succeeded even, the first 5 places of the famous US single charts to occupied. To this day, no other band has succeeded.

The Beatles on tour

The band
The music group "The Beatles" came from Liverpool in England.
It consisted of four young musicians:
  • John Lennon - he played rhythm guitar and sang,
  • Paul McCartney worked on the bass guitar and sang.
  • George Harrison`s task was to lead - or melody guitar and vocals.
  • Ringo Starr sat on drums. But there are also some songs that he sang.
John and Paul is that the majority of known songs werecomposed . Some wrote them on their bus, with whom they went on tour. Others arose in the middle of the night. Overall, the two composed more than 150 songs ! But George Harrison is also responsible for some outstanding compositions. There are even a few songs written by Ringo.

The beginning
The Beatles have not just grown out of the ground. Theformation of this band, as it is known today, took about five years .
The first was John Lennon . At age 16, he founded theschool band "The Quarrymen" , which he named after his school, the "Quarry Bank High School". John sang and played guitar and was also the bandleader. That means he was the boss of the group. This band appeared at various school events and garden parties and played music from other artists, who were then just modern.
At one of these events John Lennon got in 1957 the then 15-year-old Paul McCartney know, of which he was very impressed skill. From this point on, Paul was also a member of the school band. At the end of 1957 John and Paul began composing their own songs.
In the spring of 1958 gave the 14-year-old George Harrison , a friend of Paul to the band. A year later, was made "The Quarrymen" the band " Johnny and the Moon Dogs " (Hansi and the Moon Dogs). They were very successful at various talent contests. The first TV appearance seemed to be close at hand. But the young musicians had to do without the final round for the TV appearance. They lacked the money to stay overnight can. They had to return home with the last train.
But the guys could not stop them on their way.

In 1960 there was again a change of name. From "Johnny and the Moon Dogs" are " The Silver Beatles ". The word "Beatles" is derived here from the English word for rhythm - "beat" and the English word for beetle - "beetle" - from.
The Silver Beatles got the chance to accompany the singer Johnny Gentle on his tour of Scotland - as an actor and vocalist. This one-week tour, however, was not particularly successful. They had little audience and bad hotels, which they almost could not pay.
In the summer of 1960 , the name of the band changed again - they called themselves from now on " The Beatles ".
By chance, the Beatles were to Hamburg conveyed in a nightclub. Here they played almost 9 hours a day. That meant a lot of work for them, because the local owner of them not only the music but also show ( "Look") demanded for his audience. This gave the band invaluable experience.Gradually, the Beatles became known, and finally they were in Hamburg and the surrounding area a real insider tip .

The breakthrough
During her time in Hamburg, the musicians also discovered typical of the Beatles haircut - the " mushroom head ".When the band returned from Germany, Paul hung the guitar on the nail and took over the bass. The former bassist of the Beatles, Stuart Sutcliffe, preferred to stay with his girlfriend in Germany. In England they gradually succeeded in increasing their degree of recognition.
End in 1961 took over the management of Brian Epstein Beatles. He changed their appearance on - from now on were the musicians only in a suit and tie on.
1962 pushed the drummer Ringo Starr on the Beatles. The quartet, as we know it today, was complete. Shortly after they made their first studio recordings and also her first TV appearance - a concert recording - took place.
The first official single of the Beatles appeared in October 1962 - the song was Love Me Do , reaching at least 17 square the UK Top 40. Their second single reached number number. 2
The real breakthrough experienced musicians in April 1963 .Their third single, " From Me To You " landed a short time atNo. 1 on the charts . From this point on, each additional single of the band was ranked number one in the British charts.

In autumn 1963 , the Beatles began a tour of the UK , where they first start of the main group were. Crashing fans accompany each of their concerts. Many venues were only accessible to the musicians under police protection. Some concerts had to be disguised or even buried underground, through the canal system. A hysteria had begun - the so-called " Beatlemania ".
In January 1964 succeeded the Beatles, the US chartsentitled Want to hold your hand , to conquer. In March of the same year, they set a record unbroken to this day. They occupied the first 5 places of the famous US charts !Seven other singles were also featured in the top 100. InAustralia they occupied even the first 6 places of the local charts. No other artist has succeeded in doing so far.
Your first world tour they started in June 1964 . At this time you came first film a musical comedy called "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" - - in the cinemas. The film was also a great success.

The Beatles seemed to have nothing to stop. Within 8 years, they released 13 albums , landed countless number 1 hits, turned 5 films and 1 Fersehserie . They also produce theanimated film " Yellow Submarine ".
However, despite their common success, the musicians went increasingly separate ways . They also had more oftendisagreement and dispute , they could eliminate difficulties.
Finally, in September 1969, John Lennon left the first band.Although the musicians recorded a common record, they did not see each other in the recordings. Everyone played his instrument and his singing without the presence of others.Your last album was called " Let It Be ", reaching record sales .
In April 1970 which was separation of the Beatles , and thus the dissolution of the band - - officially announced.
For many fans, a world collapsed by the separation of the musicians ...
The Beatles, however, are still remembered today and their songs are still unforgotten. Almost all modern Sing books are the notes and the lyrics for songs such as "Let It Be", "Yesterday" or "Hey Jew". Surely your parents know, or some of their world famous compositions.

After that
It was true that the Beatles` common time had passed with the announcement of the separation of the band, but musically, each one of them remained active.
Time and time again, they met for a second or a third, and sometimes also played together. But all four Beatles never met again.
Subsequently the band was much honor bestowed. So the group was, for example, 1988 in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame included (Hall of Fame Rock and Roll). Paul McCartneywas by the British kings Elizabeth II. The Knights defeated.1998 The Beatles were a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame perpetuated. In 2004, the band was even in the UK Music Hall of Fame added.
Meanwhile, only two ex-Beatles - Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney live. Ringo finished his career 6 years ago. Paul McCartney is still successful in the music business.
In November 2006 the last album of the Beatles was released.There is a remix (a remixing) of previous songs of The Beatles and is entitled " Love ".

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ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 03.12.2016 - 10:16

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