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Cartoon: Beschreibung korrigieren

Frage: Cartoon: Beschreibung korrigieren
(5 Antworten)

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In the cartoon you can see two views. First view is a living conditions from a boy in USA and the second view is from a girl in Indonesia. They look the same age.

In the left hand side you can see this boy standing. He shows totally chilled. He is properly dressed and his shoes looks very valuable with the amount of 150$.
In contrast to this boy this girl works in the right hand side from picture. Because of the window you can see that it is very dark outside. Behind the girl are logos and she has sewing mashine behind her and is sewing. This girl is sweated out and looks tired. And finally she has clothes on but no shoes on.

From my point of view the cartoon shows the working conditions and living conditions of two people who live in different countries. And they will compare with each other.
Here you can clearly see the difference. In USA this boy lives in a good condition but does not go to work. But he can afford expensive clothes anyway.
It shows that this logos are from nike because of the arrow. It shows that this factory employs cheap workers because the factory is not able to afford expensive one. These people have to work and because that they are exploited.

It ist evening and this girl is working yet. This is actually showing that she works very hard you can also recognize the fact that she is sweats and looks tired. Although she works so much she can not even afford shoes because she is lowly paid. This shows that the working condition of this girl seen very poor because there are not such mashines in modern countries. The worst thing is that they can not do anything against it because they have to work.
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.05.2016 - 20:48

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Antwort von Zal | 03.05.2016 - 22:15
Meine Verbesserungen beinhalten meistens (je nach dem, wie gut man in Englisch bist) eine "neuere" Satzstruktur, damit sich dein Satz besser anhört. Versuche nachzuvollziehen, warum ich einiges umgeändert habe, obwohl es sich inhaltlich kaum abhebt.

Schreibe nie "in the cartoon". Man versucht vieles aus dem deutschen zu übernehmen, aber es endet meistens fatal.

The cartoon shows two different images/The cartoon is divided into two images
. The first image shows the living condition of a boy in the USA and the second image is of a girl in Indonesia. They are about the same age/They seem to be at the same age.

On the left hand side you can see this boy standing. He looks calm/relaxed.

"chilled" -> hat im Englischen was mit "Kühl" zutun. Chill im Bezug auf "gelassen/locker" ist eher als slang verwendet, was du nicht machen solltest.

He is properly dressed and his shoes looks very valuable, worth around 150$.

Woher weißt du, wie teuer es ist? Ist der Preis im Bild angegeben? Man sollte außerdem versuchen, nicht zu weit zu interpretieren und subjektiv zu werden, da man eine objektive Beschreibung haben möchte es sei denn, dass man von dir erwartet auch mit zu interpretieren..

In contrast to this boy, one can see a girl working on the right hand side of the picture. Through the window, one can see the surrounding, which is very dark.

Fang keinen Satz mit "Because" an, gewöhn es dir an, einen Satz richtig zu beginnen.

Behind the girl are logos and she is using a sewing mashine including an additional machine behind her. The girl is dressed but no shoes on. Besides she looks sweaty and tired.

From my point of view the cartoon shows and compares the working and conditions and living conditions of two people, who live in different countries.

Here One can clearly see the difference. The boy is in the USA and lives under good conditions but does not go to work (woher weißt du das?). Moreover he can afford expensive clothes anyway.

The logos/brands are made by nike because of the arrow. It shows that this factory employs cheap workers because the factory is not able to afford expensive ones. These people have to work and end up being exploited.

It is evening and this girl is still working. This actually shows how hard she works and you can also recognize it by the fact that she looks sweaty and tired. Although she works so much she can not even afford shoes because of her low wage/salary. This shows that The working condition of this girl seems very poor because there are not such mashines in modern countries. The worst thing is that they can not do anything against it because they have to work.

Vermeide es immer "This shows, it shows usw". Strukturiere die Sätze um, damit du nicht immer genauso anfängst, wie die vorigen Sätze. Lerne "connectives" zu benutzen, mache aus 2 kurzen Sätzen einen längeren. Du fügst sehr viele Eigeninterpretationen dazu (Beschreibung), sollt ihr das so machen?

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.05.2016 - 22:20
Okey dabke vielemals. Auch danke für die information😊😊😊

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.05.2016 - 22:31
Zitat:" Behind the girl are logos and she is using a sewing mashine including an additional machine behind her ."

Die Maschine ist vor ihr. Und die Logos sind hinter das Mädchen.

Kann man dann so schreiben? =
....she is using a sewing mashine which are standing before her.

Also da ist nur eine Nähmaschiene keine zusätzliche

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Antwort von Zal | 03.05.2016 - 22:34
".......she is using a sewing mashine which are standing before her."

Wenn sie eine Nähmaschine benutzt, dann brauchst du nicht noch zu schreiben, dass es vor ihr ist. Das sie es benutzt beinhaltet schon, dass es vor ihr ist.

Behind the girl are logos and she is using a sewing mashine -> sollte genügen.

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.05.2016 - 22:36

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