The best journey ever
The best journey ever…
Last year, my friends and I made a journey to the Rocky Mountains, we wanted to visit the U.S. states Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and some parts of Canada.
Our trip started in October at the airport Dresden, there we flew to Frankfurt and then we took the fly to New York and then to Nevada. When we got out of the plain we saw only green fields and in the sky the sun and nowhere was snow. But we had to travel still 200 kilometres to the south of Nevada. There we had a lot of snow, because the last week it was snowing. At this time we were very tired and so we checked in the hotel, took a little snake and went to bed, because we wanted to ride snowboard the next day. The next day was a very beautiful one for snowboarding, because it was could and sunny. We went to a very big skiing area and drove snowboard till the lifts had closed. The next weeks were also good, but not so good how the first day. After a month we went to Idaho. There the weather was really bad. It was snowing the whole days. So we couldn’t went snowboard, because we didn't saw anything. So we could relax.
The next months we went to Montana, Wyoming, British Columbia and other parts of west Canada and to Alaska.
In April our journey finished in Alaska with a wonderful Heliboardingday, the 18th Heliboarding day in our journey. The weather was good but the snow was a bit wet and there were some clouds in the sky. The best Heliboardingday was after all the first day in Idaho.
When we went back to Germany we came to realize that was not our last trip to the USA and Canada.
Essay mit dem Thema: The best journey ever
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28 Diskussionen zum Thema im Forum
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- englisch übersetzung (12 Antworten)
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- Kommentar auf Englisch korrigieren (2 Antworten)
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