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Adjective or adverb! Bitte um korrektur!

Frage: Adjective or adverb! Bitte um korrektur!
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 41
1. Tom Dvis is a very strong (strong), he can lift 100 Kilos easy (easy).

2. Sally Plays Tennis well (good), but she isn`t good (good) at Swimming.

3. Be carefully (careful), please. You are driving terrible (terrible) today.
4 Mike is good (good) at Football, bu yesterday he ran round the field nervous (nervous) and played badly (bad).

5. Fred speaks very fast (fast).

6. The children played happyly (happy) on the beach, they enjoyed the nice (nice) weather.
The new musi teacher Plays the piano beautifully (beautiful).
8. My French penfriend speaks English terrible (terrible), I can`t understand him well (good).

9. Sandra was very hungry (hungry) yesterday, she ate two bigly (big) Pizzas.
10. Mary looked carefully (careful) afer her little sister.
11. Look. our dog is running fast (fast) , he is a good (good) runner.
12. Dad got up slowly (slow) in the orning, so Mum was very angry (angry)

13.) Sam dances good (good), he likes fast (fast) dances.
14.) In my Holiday I lie in bed lazyly (lazy), I`m happy (happy) not to work hard (hard) at School.

15. The Carpenters are very happy (happy) they painted their living-room very cheaply (cheap)

16) Good (good) children do their hmework carefully (careful), so their teachers can`t be angry (angry)
17.) My mum is working hard (hard) in the garden. She`s angry (angry) because Dad isn`t helping her fast (fast)

18. Grandma is cooking something nice (nice: she always Cooks well (good).
19. Our hamster is very fast (fast) and he is hiding easyly (easy) in his Cage.

20. Our teachers shouted angryly (angry) because we were so loud (loud)
Frage von patrick123 | am 17.02.2016 - 15:22

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 17.02.2016 - 17:42
Frei nach Bauchgefühl korrigiert:

1. Tom Dvis is a very strong (strong), he can lift 100 Kilos easyly (easy).

2. Sally plays tennis well (good), but she isn`t good (good) at swimming.

3. Be carefully (careful), please. You are driving terribly (terrible) today.
4 Mike is good (good) at Football, but yesterday he ran round the field nervously (nervous) and played badly (bad).

5. Fred speaks very fast (fast).

6. The children played happyly (happy) on the beach, they enjoyed the nice (nice) weather.
The new music teacher plays the piano beautifully (beautiful).
8. My French penfriend speaks English terribly (terrible), I can`t understand him well (good).

9. Sandra was very hungry (hungry) yesterday, she ate two bigly (big) Pizzas.
10. Mary looked carefully (careful) after her little sister.
11. Look. our dog is running fast (fast) , he is a good (good) runner.
12. Dad got up slowly (slow) in the morning, so mum was very angry (angry)

13.) Sam dances good (good), he likes fast (fast) dances.
14.) In my Holiday I lie in bed lazyly (lazy), I`m happy (happy) not to work hard (hard) at school.

15. The Carpenters are very happy (happy) they painted their living-room very cheaply (cheap)

16) Good (good) children do their hmework carefully (careful), so their teachers can`t be angry (angry)
17.) My mum is working hard (hard) in the garden. She`s angry (angry) because Dad isn`t helping her fast (fast) (vollständiger Satz?)

18. Grandma is cooking something nice (nice: she always Cooks well (good).

19. Our hamster is very fast (fast) and he is hiding easyly (easy) in his Cage.

20. Our teachers shouted angrily (angry) because we were so loud (loud)
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 19
Antwort von Haedinator | 17.02.2016 - 21:54
1. Tom Dvis is a very strong (a strong what? :D), he can lift 100 Kilos easily (Wie hebt er 100 Kilo? Leicht --> Adverb, beschreibt das Verb)

2. Sally plays Tennis well, but she isn`t good at Swimming.

3. Be careful (Nach be steht nie ein Adverb!), please. You are driving terribly (Wie fährt man heute? Furchtbar --> Adverb) today.

4 Mike is good at Football, bu yesterday he ran round the field nervously (Wie ist er um den Platz gelaufen? Nervös --> Adverb) and played badly.

5. Fred speaks very fast (Attention: "fast" ist hier aber trotzdem das Adverb, jedoch ist das Adverb und das Adjektiv in diesem Fall gleich).

6. The children played happily on the beach, they enjoyed the nice weather.

7. The new music teacher plays the piano beautifully (beautiful).

8. My French penfriend speaks English terribly (Wie spricht er? Furchtbar), I can`t understand him well.

9. Sandra was very hungry (hungry) yesterday, she ate two big (Wie sind die Pizzen? Groß --> Adjektiv, beschreibt ein Substantiv näher) Pizzas.

10. Mary looked carefully (careful) after her little sister.

11. Look! Our dog is running fast , he is a good runner.

12. Dad got up slowly in the orning, so Mum was very angry.

13.) Sam dances well, he likes fast dances.

14.) In my holiday I lie in bed lazyly, I`m happy not to work hard (Attention: Adverb von "hard" ist "hard", nicht "hardly" (kaum)) at school.

15. The Carpenters are very happy (happy) they painted their living-room very cheaply (cheap)

16) Good (good) children do their hmework carefully (careful), so their teachers can`t be angry (angry)

17.) My mum is working hard (hard) in the garden. She`s angry (angry) because Dad isn`t helping her fast (fast)

18. Grandma is cooking something nice (nice: she always Cooks well (good).

19. Our hamster is very fast (fast) and he is hiding easyly (easy) in his Cage.

20. Our teachers shouted angrily (angry) because we were so loud (loud).

Die Sätze an sich weisen noch ein paar Fehler auf, die ich aber jetzt nicht korrigiert habe :D

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