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Englisch- Bitte korrigieren :) Adjektiv-Adverb

Frage: Englisch- Bitte korrigieren :) Adjektiv-Adverb
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 11
Adjektiv oder Adverb?
brave He fought... on the battle-field. -> bravely
He was a... soldier. ->brave
He kept... the whole time. -> brave
2. careful The clerk is a... worker. -> careful
The order was... executed by the exporter. -> carefully
The clerk is... -> careful
3. safe We acknowledge the... arrival of the goods. -> safe
The goods have arrived... -> safe
You are ... in trusting him. -> safely
4. remarkable The rseults of the general election are... ->remarkable
It was quite a... event -> remarkable
She was... tolerant-> remarkably
5. high We are... surprised that he went to Africa.-> highly
The... prices have sustantially been lowered.-> high
Your prices are too...-> high
6. complete Give a... answer, please. -> complete
The sportsman was... exhausted. -> completely
The electric train set is...-> completely
7.polite The policeman... drew our attentionto the red traffic light.-> politely
The... policeman did not fine us. -> polite
The policeman was very... -> poltely
8. bad The mistakes are not so... as you think.-> bad
You have made... mistakes-> badly
The goods are... damaged.-> badly
9. certain I was introduced to a... Mr. Green.-> certain
I fell... that he has committedd the crime. -> certainly
He will... tell the truth.-> certainly
10. nice It is... to see you.->nice
She has played her role...-> nicely
She is a... girl-> nice
11. good This is a... idea -> good
Tim plays football..-> goodly
He is pretty good at shorthand and typewriting-> good
12. serious The political situation seems to be very... -> serious
My father was... injured-> seriously
YOu must take it more...-> seriously
13. due The train is... at eight o`clock. -> due
We have... dispatched the goods.-> duly
The train will arrive in... course. -> due
14. true It is... that he has gone bankrupt.-> truly
He has... gone bankrupt. -> truly
A... friend will never leave you in the lurch.-> true
Frage von xsoso | am 04.03.2014 - 23:54

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 05.03.2014 - 00:24
6. The electic train set is complete.

7. The policeman was very polite.
8. You have made bad mistakes.
11. Tim plays football well.
14. It is true that he has gone bankrupt.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 11
Antwort von xsoso | 10.03.2014 - 00:05
Vielen dank :)

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