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Ist der Englisch text richtig?

Frage: Ist der Englisch text richtig?
(1 Antwort)

Hallo, ich muss bis morgen einen fehlerfreien Text in Englisch abgeben.
Meine Frage: Ist dieser Text fehlerfrei? Ist der Text so in Ordnung? Was kann ich verbessern?

Danke! Danke! Danke! schon mal ;)

Die Aufgabenstellung war:

Write a report for your school newspaper about going to school by bike instead of going by bus.
(200 words)
-The personal situation of students
-The fitness aspect
-The title “environment school” of your school
-The weather aspect
-The daily situation inside the bus

Und das ist mein Text, den ich neu geschrieben haben:

Many pupils are going to school by bus. It is better to by bus than by bike? That has positive and negative aspects.
First using a bike for transportation can help you lose weight and improve your overall health. Secondly Bicycles don`t burn gasoline and it is better for the environment. A positive aspect is you can sleep longer, if you go by bus. Furthermore you can do your homework on the way. On the one hand if it rains you will get wet to go by bike on the other hand you sit in a crowded bus but dry. Another argument for you are faster to go by bus. Also you have the hustle and screaming in the bus. Another argument for going to school by bus is you cannot to do sports. For Example if you ride a bicycle you can get fit. Experts also say that young people are going to school by bike, much more alert than young people who going to school by bus.
Finally, I think that it is better going to school by bike because you can relax better and have no stress. But if you are late you will take the bus.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 27.04.2015 - 14:39

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 27.04.2015 - 18:33
Zunächst mal die Korrekturen, solltest Du Deinen Beitrag so lassen wollen...: Many pupils are going to school by bus. 

It is better to (Verb fehlt: use the bus than the bike, oder to go...)  by bus than by bike? 
That has positive and negative aspects. 
First: Using a bike as a means of transportation may help you reducing weight and to improve your general health.  Secondly: Bicycles don`t need gasoline, which saves the environment. 
A positive aspect is that you can sleep longer, if you go by bus. 
Furthermore you can do your homework on the way. 
On the one hand if it rains you will get wet on the bike on the other hand you sit in a crowded bus but dry. 
Another pro argument is that you get faster to school going by bus. 
An argument versus using the bus is the hustle and screaming in the bus. 
Another reason for going to school by bus is you cannot to do sports. 
For example if you cycle you will keep fit
Experts also say that young people who are going to school by bike, are much more alert than those who are going to school by bus. 
Finally, I think that it is better going to school by bike, because you can relax better and have no stress. (bist Du Dir da sicher? Mein Gegenargument zu stressfrei: Schulverkehr gleichzeitig mit Berufsverkehr! Erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit gefordert!) But if you are late. you will have to take the bus.

So, das waren die Korrekturen. Verbesserungsvorschläge in bezug auf die Aufgabenstellung:
  • The personal situation of students - Fehlt meiner Meinung nach völlig in Deiner Ausführung (z.B. Monatstickets zu teuer)
  • The fitness aspect - ist angesprochen
  • The title “environment school” of your school - fehlt auch (z.B. dass mehr Schüler Fahrrad fahren sollten, um den Titel "Umweltfreundliche Schule / environment school zu rechtfertigen
  • The weather aspect - kommt etwas zu kurz, außer als pro bei Regen Bus zu fahren... Aber die Aufgabenstellung lautet ja Write a report about going to school by bike instead of going by bus.
  • The daily situation inside the bus - ist angesprochen

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