Übersetzung korrigieren? Give and take
Frage: Übersetzung korrigieren? Give and take(1 Antwort)
Das Gedicht besteht aus 4 Strophen mit jeweils 4 Versen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Übersetzung: The poem exists of 4 stanzas with 4 verses in each case. It has no rhyme pattern. The poem exists from dreihebigen Jambus. All together the text gives an overview about the nature and their abuse of the people. The author compares positive things to negative things "clean air" and "pousnous gas", stanza 1st verse 1. Herewith the author wants to confront the nature and the person and what show the nature everything good for us acts and how we want to destroy people them, although this is our only life place. One always talks of the fact that people should change, but in reality nobody changes, but everybody knows that a little bit against it the water waste of the people and the waste disposal of the people should be done, against the environmental pollution. The people know a little bit must be done to maintain the earth, but they give an excuse after the other stanza to 4 verses 4. The author wants to provide a certain intimidation for the reader, while he the reader appeals personally to "You". With "I" McGough wants the earth, or God identifying, so to speak, as if God or the nature with the reader speaks and wants to make to him a bad conscience to give an understanding of him the situation. The author has chosen this kind of the communication to respond personally to the readers and to point to her mistakes. The reader asks himself in such a way what he could have made wrong and how one could repair these mistakes. It stays open whether the reader wants to change after he this poem has read or whether he does not feel at all appealed. The poem wants to provide for the readers that they should change and should stop to break her only life place. One should show actions and no excuses. |
Frage von SweetyCherry | am 08.02.2015 - 00:30 |
Antwort von matata | 08.02.2015 - 18:05 |
Diesen Text kann man nicht einfach korrigieren. Er ist ja zum grössten Teil mit einer Übersetzungsmaschine gemacht worden. So entsteht grottenschlechtes Englisch mit deutscher Satzstellung und deutschen Fachausdrücken. Hier gibt es Hilfen: http://suite101.de/article/saetze-fuer-eine-textinterpretation-in-englisch-a90279#.VNeY1S54ics http://www.philipphauer.de/info/eng/englisch-wendungen-phrasen-stil/ http://www.menrath-online.de/download.html ---> siehe Hilfen zur Interpretation von Lyrik ---> Fachausdrücke und Redewendungen ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
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