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Englisch: Erörterung kontrollieren, bitte

Frage: Englisch: Erörterung kontrollieren, bitte
(2 Antworten)

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Ich muss in englisch eine erörterung schreiben. DA ich sehr schlecht in Englisch bin können sie das was ich geschrieben habe kontrollieren bitte? Vielen herzlichen Dank im voraus. :)

Immer erreichbar; gut oder schlecht?

Nowadays, not only the adults can be reached but everyone. Digital things have become a part of our life. But it is good to be always available? Sure there are pro and con arguments.
At first, man is always available. If someone has a problem can reach instantly.
Secondly, in an emergency, they can directly reach the police and the fire department
Always available, also has other effects
Man has no free time. For example when the boss is always calling.
Also, if you sleep it is a disadvantage to get a call.
In my opinion, people should not be reachable. I also expect that when I call someone who is reachable. But I would not want to permanently solve problems of others, because one have no time for own problems. One should even find middle.
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 09.11.2014 - 20:05

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Antwort von matata | 09.11.2014 - 21:13
Wie heisst das Thema oder der Titel dieser Erörterung?

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.11.2014 - 21:14
Immer erreichbar; gut oder schlecht?

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