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Is it desirable to grow very old?

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Is it desirable to grow very old?

I would like to introduce you in the question if it is desirable to grow very old.
From my point of view it is not that desirable to live in a world like this, because there are many obvious hazards which grow from day to day.
Why should I desire to grow very old, if I really consider to have a baby in my future. Life isn’t that safe like the last 50 years after 2nd World War. There are so many hazards like natural catastrophes or financial problems.
Have a look at Europe, the people become poor, especially in Germany many families are not able to feed them any longer. There is not any guarantee to spend a safe life, a life in happyness or social security.
In addition to that the peoples grow apart. That is why the Americans bomb Iraq or in South and Northern Corea they fight against their compatriots. Concerning to that I can understand the people who are afraid and think that something like that can happen in european countries, too.
On top of that there are some other aspects I mind. Let’s assume I am aged 75 and have children and grandchildren who are more or less independent. To my mind that is the evening of life I really want to enjoy. Why should I live 50 years more when I did my important experiences and when I gave life to other people?
I really want to enjoy my remaining years while giving my experiences to my relatives and other people in my sourrounding, so that they can deal with them independently.
If the people are nearly immortal the next generations cannot life their own life, because the eldest one’s do know everything better and do not want any new inventions or changes.
That is why I do not desire to grow very old, because I do want to live life and not a never ending decade.

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