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Bitte korrigieren: My sister`s keeper Teil 1 von 3

Frage: Bitte korrigieren: My sister`s keeper Teil 1 von 3
(4 Antworten)

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Jodi Picoult: My sisters Keeper

The except of the novel „My sisters Keeper“ written by Jodi Picoult describe a problem of a test tube baby Anna, who have to donate some cells to her older sister Kate.
Their parents always did the decision for Anna. She donates cord blood to her sister as a new born, this is the assignment of a test tube baby. The thirteen years old Anna gets the feeling that her parents dont love her. To dissolving her problem she talk to a laywer Mr. Alexander.
Anna is crying and telling Mr Alexander that her sister need one of her kidneys, if she doesnt get it she died. Anna seems desperate and defenssless at the same time by showing so much emotion. The reader gets the impression that she is still a young teenager girl who havent any clues to get out of this situation. She decribe her feeling and compare it with a handful of free condoms, which dont save her problem. She sees her situation as a road which have to choosen one way, but if you chose one path you have you eyes on the other. The comparing increased that Anna dont know which way she would like to go. Kate is her sister she would like to support her, but she feel unloved by her parents, because their always did decison for her. Mr Alexander has the opinion that Anna dont have to donate one of her kidneys if she refuse it. Anna has a completely another point of view. She extenuate it by telling him how much she donated to her sister. The first time she donate cord blood she was a new born. The second time her sister relapsed again and Anna had lymphocytes drawn of her three times to help her sister. Later it doesnt work, the doctor took bone marrow for a transplant. She donate peripheral blood stem cells and granulocytes to Kate after she relapsed again. It seems like the donation dont have a end. Mr Alexander gets the impression that Anna knows a lot about donation and how it does work by pointing out medical vocabulary. It seems Anna gets to know about the transplantion process very well. Obviously a ordinary thirteen years old teenager girl doesnt know so many technical term of medical.
Frage von tidal (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.08.2014 - 11:55

Beiträge 339
Antwort von Tilman | 13.08.2014 - 15:26
Schau bitte erst mal selbst nach den einfachen Fehlern, z.B.

  • bei Einzelpersonen nicht "have" sondern "has",
  • bei der "to do" Umschreibung "don`t" statt "dont"
  •  etc. etc.

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Antwort von tidal (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.08.2014 - 15:44
So, habe einige Fehler verbessert, die mir aufgefallen sind. Leider kann ich den Text oben nicht mehr ändern. :(

Jodi Picoult: My sisters Keeper

The except of the novel „My sisters Keeper“ written by Jodi Picoult describes a problem of a test tube baby Anna, who has to donate some cells to her older sister Kate. Their parents always did the decision for Anna. She donates cord blood to her sister as a new born, this is the assignment of a test tube baby. The thirteen years old Anna gets the feeling that her parents doesn`t love her. To dissolving her problem she talk to a laywer Mr. Alexander.
Anna is crying and telling Mr Alexander that her sister need one of her kidneys, if she doesnt get it she died. Anna seems desperate and defenssless at the same time by showing so much emotion. The reader gets the impression that she is still a young teenager girl who havent any clues to get out of this situation. She decribes her feeling and compare it with a handful of free condoms, which dont save her problem. She sees her situation as a road which have to choosen one way, but if you chose one path you have you eyes on the other. The comparing increased that Anna doesn`t know which way she would like to go. Kate is her sister she would like to support her, but she feel unloved by her parents, because their always did decision for her. Mr Alexander has the opinion that Anna doesn`t have to donate one of her kidneys if she refuse it. Anna has a completely another point of view. She extenuate it by telling him how much she had donated to her sister. The first time she donated cord blood she was a new born. The second time her sister relapsed again and Anna had lymphocytes drawn of her three times to help her sister. Later it doesnt work, the doctor took bone marrow for a transplant. She donate peripheral blood stem cells and granulocytes to Kate after she relapsed again. It seems like the donations dont have a end. Mr Alexander gets the impression that Anna knows a lot about donation and how it does work by pointing out medical vocabulary. It seems Anna gets to know about the transplantion process very well. Obviously a ordinary thirteen years old teenager girl doesn`t know so many technical term of medical.
(Zuletzt geändert von tidal am 13.08.2014)

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Antwort von matata | 13.08.2014 - 18:10
Du kannst den Text kopieren ins nächste Antwortfeld, dann den gelben Stift anklicken, nachher kannst du wieder verbessern. Im alten Feld kannst du nicht mehr schreiben. Das ist eine Sicherheitsmassnahme, die nach einiger Zeit aktiv wird, damit mit den Texten kein Unfug angestellt werden kann.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 339
Antwort von Tilman | 14.08.2014 - 06:18
She sees her situation as a road which have to choosen one way, but if you chose one path you have you eyes on the other...... She donate peripheral blood 
Bitte richtig korrigieren, alleine diese Passagen sind grammatisch nicht korrigiert. Der erste Teil ist auch unlogisch.

Why does she see one ("a") road, but has to choose between more than one ("the other") paths?

The text is too confusing for a time saving correction. Your strategy should be, to analyze the sense of every sentence. May be, somebody can create a correct text, but he should know "My sister`s keeper" (nicht "My sisters keeper", mit dem richtigen Abschreiben geht es los).  

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