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Englisch- Text. Gut geschrieben?

Frage: Englisch- Text. Gut geschrieben?
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 16
Dear diary,
today I saw Amitabh Bachchan.
He is one of the most famous actors in Mumbai. But the story, how I see him is a bit funny and also strange. 
My brother and I want to earn money and so we saw a toilet.
We stood in front of it and wait for people. Suddenly i couldnt hold me and so I went to the toilet.
My brother Salim wait but then I heard a voice. A man gace Salim money because he want to use the toilet. But how? I wasnt finish. 
Salim told me that I have to come out but I cant.The man took his money back and went away. Salim was very angry because this was our chance to earn money. A time later i heard a helicopter. I was surprised. The kids creied " Amiath Bachchan". I was nervous and I tried to open the door. I cant. Salim closed the door and so I cant open it. In the cabinette of the toilet was a hole and so I saw what happened outside. I was so angry with Salim. This was my first chance to see one of the most famous actors.
I couldnt come out. In my pocket i got a picture of Amitabh Bachchan which I found in ftont of a cinema. 5 minutes later i saw a hole in the ground under toilet. The water looked awful and the smell made me sick. But this was my opportunity to get out of here. I took a deep breath, held my nose and jumped into the hole. I was outside and I saw the crowd of kids. All of them looked at me and laughed. I didnt noticed it and went to Amitabh Bachchan. I asked him for a sign on my picture of him. After he signed it I was the happiest boy there. 
But then Salim came to me and took my picture with the sign. He said he would sell it to earn money. I didnt allow it but he did. I was very sad and angry too. This was my day.
Frage von Buesrags | am 24.06.2014 - 18:28

Beiträge 60
Antwort von Annonymyma | 25.06.2014 - 14:46
In groben Zügen passt es so, nur kleine Fehler, generell hast du oft statt "can`t" cant geschrieben oder "I" klein, auf solche Kleinigkeiten musst du aber auch achten:   
- when I saw him is a bit funny and also strange.
- A man gave Salim money
- The kids cried
- my picture with the signature
- This was my day --> What a happy day!/ What a day! (das klingt besser)


Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.06.2014 - 14:57
Dear diary,
today I saw Amitabh Bachchan. He is one of the most famous actors in Mumbai. But the story, how I see him is a bit funny and also strange. 
My brother and I want to earn money and so we saw a toilet.
We stood in front of it and wait for people. Suddenly i couldnt hold me and so I went to the toilet.
My brother Salim wait but then I heard a voice. A man gace Salim money because he want to use the toilet. But how? I wasnt finish. 
Salim told me that I have to come out but I cant.The man took his money back and went away. Salim was very angry because this was our chance to earn money. A time later i heard a helicopter. I was surprised. The kids creied " Amiath Bachchan". I was nervous and I tried to open the door. I cant. Salim closed the door and so I cant open it. In the cabinette of the toilet was a hole and so I saw what happened outside. I was so angry with Salim. This was my first chance to see one of the most famous actors.
I couldnt come out. In my pocket i got a picture of Amitabh Bachchan which I found in ftont of a cinema. 5 minutes later i saw a hole in the ground under toilet. The water looked awful and the smell made me sick. But this was my opportunity to get out of here. I took a deep breath, held my nose and jumped into the hole. I was outside and I saw the crowd of kids. All of them looked at me and laughed. I didnt noticed it and went to Amitabh Bachchan. I asked him for a sign on my picture of him. After he signed it I was the happiest boy there. 
But then Salim came to me and took my picture with the sign. He said he would sell it to earn money. I didnt allow it but he did. I was very sad and angry too. This was my day.
 Ich habe mal die gröbsten Zeit-Fehler markiert:

Du musst alles im past schreiben (rot markiert); einige Male musst du  - weil etwas schon vorher passierte - past perfect nehmen (grün markiert); orange markiert sind "sonstige Fehler"; auf die Tatsache, dass ich = I immer groß geschreiben wird und die Verneinung not = n`t einen Apostroph braucht, wurde schon hingewiesen.

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Buesrags | 25.06.2014 - 15:46

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