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Lowry Lois - The Giver: Plot / Inhaltsangabe

Frage: Lowry Lois - The Giver: Plot / Inhaltsangabe
(7 Antworten)

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Guten Abend:) In Englisch müssen wir eine inhaltsangabe vom buch the giver schreiben. die lehrerin meinte das wir plotlines raussuchen müssen (unten groß dazugeschrieben) jedoch bin ich mir nciht sicher was das bedeutetn sollte, wir mussten 3 raussuchen. außerdem bin ich mir bei der grammatik (v.a. präpositionen, adjektiv/adverb) nicht ganz sicher. Bitte korrigieren:

Dear readers,

today I‘m gonna comment on the book „the Giver“ that I read because we had to do this in English lesson from (approximately) 10th September to the 25th. I really liked the book because it was easy to read and suitable to people in my age (14-16 years) because there weren‘t much difficult expressions. The plot was logical and creative;
This book examines an utopian society thoroughly and fairly. It‘s this fairness that makes the novel so captivating, and so perfect for ransoming discussions.

Now I‘d like to point out 3 aspects I found especially interesting. (PLOTLINE)

The Giver says: “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It‘s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.“ For me that‘s a passage that isn‘t relevant just in the community. It‘s something that you can interpret in your own life. If you bottle up everything, you could be emotionally disturbed.
Jonas says: “Things could change, Gabe. Things could be different. I don‘t know how, but there must be some way for things to be different. There could be colors. And grandparents. And everybody would have memories.... Gabe, there could be love“ For me, that‘s the discovery of Jonas from love.
Now to the last one. This was a rule that he got, the last and eigth one: You may lie. That surprised me a bit and that was the part when the book turned into a „pageturner“ for me because I was curious why he was allowed to lie event though he was taught to not do that.

For me the message of the book is that choices aren‘t corrosive. In this community, the non-attendance of choices are more corrosive. All choices are made for people, and as result they act unethical and inhume. For example: children are created somehow and are taken from Birthmothers. There is a complete absence of love. The people are obedient but unemotional. They apologize without really meaning it.

So, this is my opinion.
What about yours?
Frage von tismiss (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.11.2016 - 18:22

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Antwort von matata | 02.11.2016 - 20:26
Ich vermute, dass du auf dem falschen Weg bist.

Plot ist das englische Wort für Handlung oder Handlungsablauf.

Der Plot beschreibt, was im Roman so alles passiert. Er beschreibt also grob die Handlung und zeigt den dramatischen Aufbau.
---> siehe Erklärung 1) und Synonyme
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Antwort von tismiss (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2016 - 18:07
ok könnten sie den text trzdm kontrollieren?

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Antwort von matata | 03.11.2016 - 18:10
tismiss schrieb auch

bitte text kontrollieren bin mir v.a. bei der grammatik nicht sicher mit den ganzen präpositionen

today I‘m gonna comment on the book „the Giver“ that I read because we had to do this in English lesson from (approximately) 10th September to the 25th. I really liked the book because it was easy to read and suitable to people in my age (14-16 years) because there weren‘t much difficult expressions. The plot was logical and creative;
This book examines an utopian society thoroughly and fairly. It‘s this fairness that makes the novel so captivating, and so perfect for ransoming discussions.

Now I‘d like to point out 3 aspects I found especially interesting. (PLOTLINE)

The Giver says: “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It‘s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.“ For me that‘s a passage that isn‘t relevant just in the community. It‘s something that you can interpret in your own life. If you bottle up everything, you could be emotionally disturbed.
Jonas says: “Things could change, Gabe. Things could be different. I don‘t know how, but there must be some way for things to be different. There could be colors. And grandparents. And everybody would have memories.... Gabe, there could be love“ For me, that‘s the discovery of Jonas from love.
Now to the last one. This was a rule that he got, the last and eigth one: You may lie. That surprised me a bit and that was the part when the book turned into a „pageturner“ for me because I was curious why he was allowed to lie event though he was taught to not do that.

For me the message of the book is that choices aren‘t corrosive. In this community, the non-attendance of choices are more corrosive. All choices are made for people, and as result they act unethical and inhume. For example: children are created somehow and are taken from Birthmothers. There is a complete absence of love. The people are obedient but unemotional. They apologize without really meaning it.

So, this is my opinion.
What about yours?

________________________ - Team

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Antwort von tismiss (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2016 - 18:14
also ist alles richtig?

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Antwort von tismiss (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2016 - 18:22
aber sie haben ja nichts geändert

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Antwort von tismiss (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2016 - 18:23
bitte brauche es dringend bis morgen für mein portfolio

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Antwort von matata | 03.11.2016 - 23:58
Ich habe nichts korrigiert, denn Englisch ist nicht mein Spezialgebiet. Das überlasse ich andern Helfern.
Wenn es so dringend ist, dann musst du eine Arbeiten halt früher erledigen.
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