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The Free State of Bavaria: Bitte korrigieren.

Frage: The Free State of Bavaria: Bitte korrigieren.
(2 Antworten)

Write 80–100 words about your city, village or country.
(Schreiben Sie 80–100 Wörter über Ihre Stadt, Ihr Dorf oder Ihr Land.)

The Free State of Bavaria is the largest state by area in Germany.
It is located in the southeast of Germany and bordering Austria, Switzerland and Czech. The nature here is very beautiful, from “Allgau” over “Franken” to “Swabia”. The Alps form a beautiful panorama to hike, ride a motorcycle and much more. Bavaria has also to offer many lakes because “Königsee” and the “Chiemsee” would also provide the opportunity for swimming, sailing, etc. The most famous festival in the world "Oktoberfest" held each year in October in Munich. In the summer months, making many people from all over the world holiday.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 08.09.2013 - 13:07

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 08.09.2013 - 19:59
The Free State of Bavaria is the largest state by area in Germany. It is located in the southeast of Germany and bordering Austria,
Switzerland and Czech. The nature here is very beautiful, from “Allgau” over “Franconia” to “Swabia”. The Alps form a beautiful panorama to hike, ride a motorcycle and much more. Bavaria has also to offer many lakes since “Königsee” and the “Chiemsee” also provide the opportunity for swimming, sailing, etc. The most famous festival in the world "Oktoberfest" takes place eyery year in October in Munich. During the summer months many people from over the world spend her vacation here .

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.09.2013 - 16:33
The Free State of Bavaria is the largest state by area in Germany. It is located in the southeast of Germany [--]bordering Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic [or: Czechia]. The
landscapes there are very beautiful, from “Allgau” over “Franconia” to “Swabia”. The Alps form a beautiful panorama to hike, to ride a motorcycle and much more(1). Bavaria has also to offer many lakes as for example “Königsee” and [---] “Chiemsee” which provide excellent opportunitiesfor swimming or sailing, etc(1). The most famous festival in the world, the "Oktoberfest" takes place [---]in Munich eyery year in the last week of September and the first week in October (2). During the summer months many people from
all over the world spend their vacations in Bavaria


1) solche Füllwörter wie "much more" oder "etc" darf man in einem Aufsatz nicht schreiben: Entweder man weiß noch was, dann schreibt man`s hin, oder man verzichtet auf diese nichtssagenden Worthülsen.
2) Das O`fest findet immer im Sept. und evtl. noch ein paar Tage im Okt. statt.
Beachte: erst die Ortsangabe (in Munich), dann die Zeitangabe.

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