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Bitte um correction :)

Frage: Bitte um correction :)
(1 Antwort)

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wäre echt cool, wenn ihr mir sagen könnt, ob hier das gut ist bzw.
sprachlich etc. gut ist.

Gun problems in the world. Thats an importent issue. For example in America.

America is truely a exceptional nation. It’s not because of their education system. No, America is really only exceptional when it comes to the number of guns, the frequency of gun murders and the shockingly number of deaths. Other countrys don’t have such problems. Do you know why? Because the people in other countrys don’t have weapens. In America there are so many people who have guns because they suppose they will need a gun to protect themself or to rob a bank or even to feel safer. Most people think: „ Violent games are the cause.“ But that’s not right. If this statement were true, there were big gun problems in other countys, like in Germany where I live. Furthermore there were sold illegally guns. That’s the biggest cause of gun problems. If the dealers could stop selling guns illegally, there were be no gun problems any more or it will be at least reduced. From my point of view it’s the best way to stop the dealers.

Dank im Voraus

mfg Kritias
Frage von Kritias (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.08.2013 - 22:20

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.08.2013 - 11:07
Formal größtenteils in Ordnung. Sprachlich verbesserungswürdig - direkte Anreden wie "Do you know why?" sind in einer Rede gut, in einem Essay eher fragwürdig.

Und inhaltlich? Ich kann keine geschlossene Argumentation erkennen, manche Sätze sind vollkommen zusammenhangslos (vor allem am Ende, z.B.: "Dealer" ist JEDER, der etwas verkauft. Die deutsche Bedeutung bezieht sich nur auf "drug dealer", es gibt aber z.B. auch "car dealer")

Ich habe einiges verbessert (unterstrichen):

America is a truely exceptional nation. It’s not because of their education system. No, America is really only exceptional when it comes to the number of guns, the frequency of gun murders and the shocking (Adjektiv, kein Adverb!) number of deaths. Other countrys don’t have such problems. Do you know why? Because people in other countrys don’t have weapens. In America there are so many people who have guns because they suppose they will need a gun to protect themself or to rob a bank (? Das ist aber kein gängiges Argument PRO zivilem Waffenbesitz!) or even to feel safer. Most people think: „ Violent games are the cause.“ (Grund wofür? Gun murders? Dann schreib das!) But that’s not right. If this statement was true, there would be big gun problems in other countys, like in Germany where I live. Furthermore there are guns sold illegally. That’s the biggest cause of gun problems. (Ich dachte das Problem ist der LEGALE zivile Waffenbesitz, illegalen Verkauf gibt es auf der ganzen Welt. Das Problem ist, dass es einfach NORMAL ist, Waffen zu besitzen) If the dealers could stop selling guns illegally, there were be less gun problems. From my point of view it’s the best way to stop the dealers (Was ist der beste Weg? Du hast gar keinen Weg aufgezeigt die Verkäufer zu stoppen?!).

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