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Bewerbung für FSJ in Indien: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Bewerbung für FSJ in Indien: Bitte korrigieren
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Ich möchte mich für ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in Indien bewerben und bitte euch, mal drüber zu schauen wegen Fehlern. Hier die Fragen, die ich beantworten musste:

(Vielen, vielen Dank im Voraus)

Where and for how long did you learn English?

Answer: I learned English for 8 years in school, I went on holiday in the United States, Canada and England. My family hosted 2 times a Canadian for some weeks.

Do you have a driver`s license / international driver`s license?

Answer: I have a driver’s license for Germany but I can get an international driver’s license. I just have to apply for it.

Computer skills

Answer: I can work with Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and a little bit of Excel.

Do you have any practical experience in this field? If yes, what kind? Why do you want to work in the field you mentioned?

Answer: I already worked as the assistant for homework in my school for pupils from 10-12 years. During 2 years, I learned a lot about the handling of a group of 20 children.
At the moment, I give private tutoring lessons to pupils from 10 to 15 years.
I want to help children with their homework and help them with what they had learnt at school, because I already have experience and I really like children. I hope that they learn a lot, particularly when they dont’t have the same chance like other pupils because their parents can’t support them. When I tutor children, I see that some of them just need a little bit more time to understand the tasks while others need to repeat things or have questions. I would like to work with them because I am sure that I can help them and I think that education is the strongest power against poverty.

Which problems and challenges do you expect in India? Are you ready to spend a long period of time living in a different culture? What kind of problems can you imagine that you might personally encounter?

Answer: I already spend 3 month in a host family in Peru. From time to time, I helped in a kindergarten there. After that, I knew that voluntary service is needed so much in the world.
I think that I will need some time to integrate in Nagpur and to acquainted with the culture diversities. Expecting that most of the people speak Hindi, I hope that I can learn this language.
In general I hope that I don’t have too many problems with my stomach because of the new food.

Why do you wish to work abroad (and not at home) as a volunteer for some months?

Answer: I want to help people and I also hope that I can learn a lot about their culture and about myself. I will finish school in summer 2013 so I think that this is a good moment for a volunteer work.

To shoulder the entire costs of your voluntary service over and above the contribution of the BMZ, we expect you to organise a supporters` circle (Förderkreis) for donations towards the expenses which will be incurred (see Nr. 7 of the BMZ-Guidelines/Richt¬linien). Kindly share with us how you would like to go about it? Kindly mention at least two ways of generating funds towards your voluntary service in India.

Answer: After explaning my project, I would ask my family, friends and neighbours for donations. I think it’s a good idea to ask business companies, too. For transparency and as a thank you, I can imagine to write a blog in the internet about my time in Nagpur.

As we would like to establish a long-term relationship with you, we would be interested in knowing how you could imagine your commitment for DIZ or Ecumenical Sangam after your return (e. g. fundraising activities, awareness raising activities such as lectures, photo exhibitions …)? Kindly share with us concrete ideas!

Answer: I have a lot of friends who are interested in voluntary services, too. I can imagine that they would like to help in Nagpur, too. Furthermore there is the possibility to have a booth at flea markets or on trade fairs where peolpe get information about the organisation and the donation for it.
Frage von Lollo12 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.01.2013 - 17:01

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