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Application for a position of Export Assistant

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Application for a position of Export Assistant

Dear Ms. xxx,
I should be grateful if you would consider my application for the position of export assistant.
My age is 24. In winter I took a course at Harefield College to increase my knowledge of foreign trade.
In 2006 I took and passed my A-level in four subjects, including English and German.
Since leaving school I served my apprenticeship with one of the leading export - import houses in the city.
Consequently I am thoroughly familiar with export procedure.
My reason for seeking a change is the better opportunities offered in a large company like yours.
May I have an interview with you at your convenience?
Yours faithfully,

Hier kannst du ein Berwerbungschreiben für die Position eines Export Assistanten lesen. Sie ist auf Englisch und hat . (118 Wörter)
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