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Belongs Britain to Europe?

Frage: Belongs Britain to Europe?
(2 Antworten)

Sehr wichtig für mich, da ich auf das eine Note bekomme! Ich mache aber immer so viele Fehler, könnt ihr mal einen Blick drauf werfen?
Danke :)

Who has ever been to the UK, knows the setting in relation with Europe.
Geographically the Britain includes to Europe, but when you ask an English person this, they all leave Britain aside Europe. Moscow, Vienna, Madrid: All these cities are in Europe, but the UK is cut off from the world outside, because of the sea. Everything that is happening beyond the UK, the British feel overseas. Typically for an island folk is, to see the lake as a natural border.
But the UK isn’t different, because they are an island state. They have their own monarchy, their own currency, the standard of living is different and the British people are open- minded. Because I was there, I got to know many different minds, about their opinion. The British people see their own state as bridge between Europe and America. Great Britain feels as an independence state and they also want to be that.
In Europe there are no border controls at all. Everyone can work in every country. So there is also the same currency. Although the UK was one of the founding states of the EU, they have their own makings. One very important advantage as a citizen of the EU is you can travel, go to every university you want to and there are a lot of changing – programmes.
Of course there are also a lot of disadvantage like a high crime rate, smuggling, unemployment and much more.
To put it in a nutshell there are a lot of differences between the UK and Europe. I think it isn’t important if Britain belongs to Europe or not. It will be boring when every country has got the same tradition and the same style of living. The British have sacrificed a lot of time to define them!
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 06.10.2012 - 10:38

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.10.2012 - 11:19
Everyone who has been to Britain knows about the relation towards Europe. Geographically, Britain clearly belongs to Europe.

"Lake" heißt zwar "See" aber nur in der Bedeutung "Binnengewässer"!
Die restlichen Sätze des Absatzes sind auch reichlich verquer!

Inhaltlich: du solltest besser zwischen EU und der geographischen Bezeichnung Europa differenzieren:
In der EU gibt es (größtenteils) keine Grenzkontrollen, allerdings beruht das auf dem Schengener Abkommen, an dem auch Nicht-EU-Mitglieder wie die Schweiz und Norwegen beteiligt sind. Andererseits sind UK und Irland keine Schengenstaaten, weshalb schärfere Grenzkontrollen gemacht werden. An den EU-Außengrenzen zu z.B. Weißrussland selbstverständlich kontrolliert, obwohl dieser Staat geographisch zur Europa gehört!

GB war übrigens KEIN Gründungsmitglied der EU, (das waren die BeNeLux-Länder, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland) sondern sind erst in den 70ern dem Verein beigetreten.

Wenn du mit "changing-programmes" Studentenaustausch meinst, solltest du daraus "exchange-programmes" machen, sonst ziehen die Leute bloß um (Kleidung) anstatt an eine andere Uni ausgetauscht zu werden. Dieser Studentenaustausch ist übrigens ein EU-Projekt und gilt NATÜRLICH auch für GB, da sie EU-Mitglied sind!

Ich vermisse ehrlich gesagt echte Argumente in deinem Text. Du könntest noch einfließen lassen, dass GB sich einfach immer noch als eine Weltmacht sieht. Zumindest die älteren Leute dort sind in dem Bewußtsein aufgewachsen, dass sich das Königreich um den halben Globus erstreckt, schließlich gehörten Indien, Australien, zahlreiche afrikanische Staaten usw zum Commonwealth. Daraus resultiert ein ganz anderes Nationalbewußtsein.
Übrigens, eine Britische Zeitung titelte einst bei Nebel über dem Ärmelkanal: "Fog in Channel; Continent Cut Off"

Bei dem Wikipedia-tikel kannst du auch noch ein paar Argumente stibitzen ;-)

Überarbeite dann am besten auch nochmal deine conclusion...

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.10.2012 - 20:09
Who has ever been to the UK, knows the setting(w) in relation with(w) Europe. Geographically the-- Britain includes(w) to Europe, but when(w) you ask an English person
this-- they all leave(grt) Britain aside (vv) Europe. Moscow, Vienna, Madrid: All these cities are in Europe, but the UK is cut off from the world outside, because of the sea(w). Everything that is happening (grt) beyond the UK, the British feel (vv)overseas. Typically for an island folk(w) is, to see the
lake(w) as a natural border.
But the UK isn’t different, because they(gr) are(gr) an island state. They have their(gr) own monarchy, their(gr) own currency, the standard of living is different and the British people are open- minded. Because(w) I was there, I got to know many different minds, about their opinion(gr). The British people see their own state as (vv)bridge between Europe and America. Great Britain feels as an independence(w) state and they also want to be that.
In Europe there are no border controls at all. Everyone can work in every country. So there is also the same currency. Although the UK was one of the founding states of the EU, they have their own makings. One very important advantage as a citizen of the EU is you can travel, go to every university you want to and there are a lot of changing(w) – programmes.
Of course there are also a lot of disadvantage(gr) like a high crime rate, smuggling, unemployment and much more To put it in a nutshell there are a lot of differences between the UK and Europe. I think it isn’t important if Britain belongs to Europe or not. It will be boring when (w) every country has got the same tradition and the same style of living. The British have sacrificed a lot of time to define

(--) = qwewglassen
(w) = Wortfehler
(grt) _ tense-Fehler
(?) = Bezug?

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