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Frage: Englisch: Fragen zum Text beantworten
(1 Antwort)

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Europe’s workers – underpaid but happy!

This ist the resultat of a survey which a London firm has completed fort he managers of a number of multinational companies who have employees all over Europe.
The survey shows companies what they can expect from the workers in each country. More than 500,000 workers answered the question abot attitudes to pay, workmates and benfits.

The survey shows that in general Europe`s workers enjoy what they do, get on well with their workmates and identifity with the company they work for.

However, attitudes to pay are positive. Although 57% of workers in the netherlands are satisfied with their wages, in Switzerland only 44 % of the workers are happy with their pay. In Britain the number is much lower, 35 %. Moreover, the Dutch also feel happiest about their working conditions and benefits.

Workers there receive paid sick leave after two days at 70 % of their pay for one year.

The European Union has introduced laws about the maximum number of working hours. However, working hours within Europe still vary quite a lot. In Britain and Luxembourg the maximum is 48 hours, but in Denmark it is much lower, 37 hours.

There are also laws in EU about the minimim amount of paid holiday a worker can have. The average in Britain is usually 23 days. However, German workers can expect a lot more than this.

Finally, on the question of job satisfaction, the survey’s results are positive. Most of Europe’s workers are happy with their wortmates as well as with the job they do.

Die Fragen dazu!

1. Why did the London firm carry out its survey?
2. The survey shows that most workers in Europe agree about some conditions of their work. Which ones?

Könnt ihr mir helfen die richtigen Antworten anhand des Textes zu finden?
Frage von beautyella92 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.12.2010 - 18:39

Antwort von GAST | 20.12.2010 - 19:09
können wir nicht, wir wollen dir doch nicht das Gefühl der Genugtuung und der Freude nehmen, aus eigenem Antrieb unter Einsatz des eigenen Denkvermögens (und vielleicht unter Zuhilfenahme eines Wörterbuchs - (im Internet: etwas geschafft und geleistet zu haben.


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