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Alles zu Landeskunde


-Wales is in the south-west of Great Britain.
-The English King Edward 1 conquered Wales in the 13th century.
-The first prince of Wales was the son of King Edward 1.
-King Edward 1 built one castle in Wales.
-The capital of Wales is Cardiff. Cardiff is in the south of Wales.
-In Wales there are many factories, for example fot TV's or telephones.
-The highest mountain in Wales is the Snowdon.
-In South Wales there are a lot of coal mines. Some of them have opened a museum.
-In Wales there are a lot of B and B (Bed and Breakfast) hotels.
-Only about one in five people who live in Wales speak Welsh.
-All signs in Wales are in English and Welsh.
-At Cearlon there's an old Roman camp.
-In Wales is a lot of wild countryside with sheepfarms on some hills.
-They play much rugby in Wales. (At a big match, sometimes there are 60.000 people
in the "rugby choir")

In der Datei findest du manches über Wales (England). (164 Wörter)
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