Englisch Aufgabe
Frage: Englisch Aufgabe(4 Antworten)
Hallo :) kann mir jemand sagen was ich genau in dieser Aufgabe machen muss; bitte Discuss how easy it is for us as a young European- and especially as a German- to understand Britain´s attitude to Europe as described in this essay. How would you characterise the attitudes of British people as outlined in the text? |
Frage von yy92 | am 03.11.2012 - 16:29 |
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2012 - 16:33 |
du sollst 1) Argumente dafür finden, |
Antwort von yy92 | 03.11.2012 - 16:34 |
achso okay vielen vielen dank |
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.11.2012 - 19:39 |
Ich merke, du hast Schwierigkeiten, zu erkenne, was du machen musst. du musst daher dringendst die notwendigen "Operatoren", also die Arbeitsanweisungen, wie sie in En in den Sek-Klausuren gestellt werde n, kennen: hier sind sie: Operatoren für das Fach Englisch im Zentralabitur Arbeitsaufträge Definitionen Beispiele analyse, examine describe and explain in detail certain aspects and/or features of the text Analyse the opposing views on class held by the two protagonists. Examine the author’s use of language. assess consider in a balanced way the points for and against sth. Assess the importance of standards in education. characterize describe the character of someone or something in a particular way Examine how the principal figures in the play are characterized. Analyse the author’s method of characterizing the villagers. comment state clearly your opinion on the topic in question and support your views with evidence Comment on the suggestion made in the text that a ‘lack of women in the armed forces demonstrates a weakness in the role of women in society.’ compare point out similarities and differences Compare X’s and Y’s views on education. contrast emphasize the differences between two or more things Contrast the author’s idea of human aggression with the theories of aggression you have read about. describe give an accurate account of sth. Describe the soldier’s outward appearance. discuss investigate or examine by argument; give reasons for and against Discuss the implications of globalisation as presented in this text. explain describe and define the causes Explain the protagonist’s obsession with money. interpret make clear the meaning of sth. and give your own views on it Interpret the message the author wishes to convey. justify show adequate grounds for decisions or conclusions You are the principal of a school. Justify your decision to forbid smoking on the school premises. outline give the main features, structure or general principles of a topic, omitting minor details Outline the author’s views on love, marriage and divorce. state, point out present clearly State briefly the main developments in the family described in the text. summarize, write a summary give a concise account of the main points Summarize the information given in the text about the hazards of cloning. die kopie ist leider "doof"; hier der original-Link: http://www.nibis.de/nli1/gohrgs/operatoren/operatoren_ab_2010_2011/operatoren_englisch.pdf |
Antwort von yy92 | 11.11.2012 - 16:08 |
OOOH DANKE englisch ist wirklich nicht meinestärke |
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