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8 Schulgesetze auf Englisch schreiben

Frage: 8 Schulgesetze auf Englisch schreiben
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 190
You must always your mobile phone in school off.

You have to be in class on time.
You can not eat and chew gum in class.
I only go in the breaks in toilet.
Downlads must only be preformed with premission of teacher.
If you do not come to school, you must have a given reason.
Iam very be careful with the computer.

1x Schulgesetz fehlt ? paar Ideen noch ?

kann jemand dass mal bitte korregieren :) danke
Frage von 24061994 | am 27.08.2012 - 18:05

Beiträge 0
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.08.2012 - 18:49

1) You must always your mobile phone in school off.
2) You have to be in class on time.
3) You can not eat and chew gum in class.
4) I only go in the breaks in toilet.
5)Downlads must only be preformed with premission of teacher.
6)If you do not come to school,
you must have a given reason.
7)I am very be careful with the compute

my versions:
1) No use of mobile phones during school time.
2) Be in class in time (punctually)
3) No eating and chewing gum in class.
4) Use of toilets during breaks only.
5) No downloads without teachers` permission.
6) No absence from schol without valid reasons as there are:
a) own illness (excuse slip from parents) b) summmons to court, c) doctor or dentist emergency service.
7) Be careful with school property
8) General behaviour:
a)walk on sidewalks, b) deposit waste in dust bins, c) do not mar (= beschmieren) desks, walls or floors, d)take good care of school equipment and properties.

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