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Charakterisierung in Englisch?

Frage: Charakterisierung in Englisch?
(1 Antwort)

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ich sollte als eine Art Hausarbeit eine Charakterisierung schreiben.
Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob das so vom sprachlichen und grammatikalischen in Ordnung geht. Ich hoffe, Sie können mir eventuell einige Tipps und Verbesserungsvorschläge machen!

Hier die Charakterisierung:

The person i would like to characterize in the following is named Anian Scheibel, he is a male, he is 14 years old and ca 1,80m tall. He has short brown hairs and he has a athletic body. He goes to a 9th class of a gymnasium and he has there a really good relationship with almost all pupils. Also the teachers describe him as polite and courteous. He is also quite intelligent and imaginative and he can show it, if he is interested in a topic.
Anian does a lot of sports and he is really ambitious. He trys to use almost every free minute to do the dangerous sport Downhill. And although he has been started to do this sport a half year ago, he is almost now leading the way and he is getting better every day. Anian really likes this thrill. He needs the adrenalin, the kick. But maybe he overstates a little bit and so he his a bit reckless too.
But he is not only interested in new things in the sport. Also outside his sporting activities he is open to new and unknown things and he is always inquisitive. Thats particularly visible in the technical area. He has always been the engineer in the family. For hours he experiment on things, disassemble it and after that he assemble it again. And is he starts something, he only stops, if he achieve his target. He is also interested in history and he think about controversial questions in it, for example the upheavals that lead to the Renaissance.
Furthermore Anian is a really happy and merry person. You can inspire him of a funny thing really fastly but nevertheless he is very responsibly and trustworthy. Not at all he is arrogant but he is convinced of himself and he says and represents always his own opinion and he can prove this opinion with a lot of well thought out arguments. Last year he was in Stuttgart very often and he discussed with the opponents of the train station Stuttgart 21 and although his conversation partner were disrespectful and unreasonable sometimes he always stayed quiet and respectful against opponents as well as proponents.
Anian has conservative character-traits however nevertheless he is open to new ideas and solutions but in no instance he is naive.
His character has changed in the last two years or three years a lot. Some time ago he was really unreasonable and slovenly. He change completely because now he is properly, considered, friendly and you can almost say peacefully.
His whole personality is reflected in the sport he does. Sport is the most important thing in his life. He always wants still higher, still faster and still wider. Sometimes he gets because of that really impatient.
All in all Anian is a really multifaceted person in no case monotonous or boring. He is really creativ, tolerant, strong-willed but also reckless and sometimes he is a bit in high spirits.
I think, that he is a good brother and a really good friend. Everyone should be proud of the friendship with him.

Danke schonmal für Ihre Hilfe!

Freundlicher Gruß
Frage von Knowing0507 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.06.2012 - 16:18

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2012 - 20:05
AstridDerPu hat dir in GF nur die Fehler markiert; korrigieren musst sie erst mal allein.

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