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Rather than talking about the Weather - Vortrag vorbereiten?

Frage: Rather than talking about the Weather - Vortrag vorbereiten?
(1 Antwort)

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ich muss am Montag (21.05.2012) einen Vortrag in Englisch halten und es grault mich jetzt schon davor, denn in Englisch bin ich echt ne Niete und wenn ich den Vortrag versemmle dann geh ich mit 5 Punkten auf dem Zeugnis in Englisch nach Hause und das könnte mir mein Abi kosten.

Ich muss eine Frage beantworten und zwar: Explain in your own words the ways in which television defines ´the British way of life`

Den dazu gehörigen Text habe ich schon einigermaßen mühsam übersetzt, aber bei der Frage hapert es, zumal ich die Frage anhand eines Satzes beantworten soll und nicht einmal den Satz richtig verstehe.
Der Satz lautet: In many ways, television now seems to be at the hub of ´the british way of life´, offering a structure and rhythm around which people may shape their leisure time.

Könnt ihr mir helfen? Ich weis es ist kurzfristig, aber ihr seit meie letzte Rettung, denn ich selbst habe es nicht hinbekommen.

Liebe Grüße Caro

Hier nochmal der gesamte Text:

Rather than Talking about the Weather
On average, people in Britain spend 23o.6 minutes watching the television or video every day, which is more than in any other European country.
These days, rather than talking about the weather, it is probably more accurate to say that television programmes provide a favourite topic of conversation for British people (according to market research, 46 per cent of the uK population discuss television programmes with their friends or family). In many ways, television now seems to be at the hub of `the British way of life`, offering a structure and rhythm around which people may shape their leisure time. Nowadays, the succes or otherwise of major national holidays such as Christmas and Easter is less likely to be talked about in terms of the quality of church services, than about the quality of programmes on television. [...]
A traditional British Christmas has been characterised (or caricatured) through images of the family (ranging across three generations) sitting in front of the television after Christmas dinner, watching Queen´s Speech at 3p.m. and then a classic film such as The sound of Music or The wizard of oz. It is important not to underestimate the status of these televisual myths in relation to he attitudes which british people themeselves express about national identity, an as a corollary of this, it is soften the case that anxieties about social decline are most readily articulated in terms of `falling standars´ on television. The concept of family viewing is a central stake in debates about the role oft he BBC, a public-owned institution known tot he country as Auntie (suggesting ist cosy, nanny-like persona). It is often deplored in the press that current American or American-inspired television shows, such as Baywatch, Blind Date and Gladiators, are usually the most popular programmes, shown in the prime time family viewing slots in early Saturday evenings. In effect, programmes that are associated both with youth and American culture often seem to be regarded as anathema as far as British family values are concerned.
Frage von caroese (ehem. Mitglied) | am 19.05.2012 - 19:55

Antwort von GAST | 19.05.2012 - 21:56
gaaanz grob übersetzt:

das tv scheint der dreh- und angelpunkt in der brittischen lebensweise zu sein - es bietet die fixpunkte,
um die man seine freizeit planen kann.

(der wortlaut wirkt im englischen original etwas vernichtender...)

hint: das ist nich der einzige satz im text, der deine frage beantwortet!

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