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Kontrolle Comment Englisch

Frage: Kontrolle Comment Englisch
(6 Antworten)

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Dear Paul,

I hope you are well.
I`m fine, even though the weather is miserable here. How is the weather in Brighton?
In the following I would like to deal with the problem, that you have written to me. It`s about a shopping mall that is intended to be built in your community. In my opinion I agree with the building of a new shopping mall. Anyway you have to know that all shopping malls are good for the economic.
I think that shopping malls are a good place to meet your friends and other peope There you can get all what you need. For example food, clothes, materials. In your meetings you can go eating, shopping or just have a nice day. To my mind shopping malls are the saved places where you can go shopping or do other things because of the security there. If you need a toilet you will also find it in the mall. For peope who are coming by car, they have nice opportunities to park their cars near the mall, for example in a multi-storey car park.
All in all I would say all shopping malls are very comfortable and useful for all people.

Lots of love,


Meine Schwerpunkte: Ri chtige Zeitform?, vllt besondere Signalwörter benutzen wie suddenly etc.?

danke für jede hilfe!
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 19.01.2010 - 21:04

Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 21:13
Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher,
aber "In the following i would like to deal with the problem" das "in the following" hört sich nicht richtig; oder unvollständig an...

lass es lieber weg ;D sry das mir keine verbesserung einfällt^^

ansonsten siehts gut aus?!

Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 21:22
ok jetzt:

better say:

"I would like to explain the situation" as follows: ...

Bei den "" musst du dann deinen satz dementsprechend umändern ;D

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2010 - 05:20
I hope you are well. I`m fine, even though the weather is miserable here. How is the weather in Brighton?
In the following I would like to deal with the problem (1) ---- you have ---TOLD ME ABOUT, THE shopping mall that is intended to be built in your community. In my opinion I FAVOUR building of a new shopping mall AS you have to know that all shopping malls are good for the ECONOMY OF A COMMUNITY.
I think that shopping malls are a good place to meet---- friends and other PEOPLE You can get THERE ALL --- you need: AS For example food, clothes, materials. In your meetings you can go eating, shopping or just have a nice day. To my mind shopping malls are SECURE (SAFE) places where you can go shopping or do other things because of the security there. If you need a toilet you will also find it in the mall.--- PEOPLE who HAVE COME by car WILL FIND nice opportunities OF PARKING their cars near the mall, for example in a multi-storey car park.
All in all I would say --- shopping malls are very comfortable and useful for EVERYONE.

1) kein Komma vor that bzw. bei einem "contact clause" (= Relativsatz ohne Relativpronomen!)

CAPITAL LETTER = meine Korektur oder Einfügung; ---- = gestrichen


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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2010 - 21:13
vielen dank. : ) schönen abend noch!

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2010 - 22:05
geht das auch so?

Dear Paul,
I hope you are well. I`m fine even though the weather here is very dreary. How is the weather in Brighton?
I would like to discuss with you the shopping mall problem, which you mentioned to me in your past letter. In my opinion the construction of the new shopping mall would be a very good thing for the community. You no doubt agree with me that it would be a good thing for the economy. Shopping malls provide people with the opportunity to meet with thier friends while they can buy everything they need; such as food, clothes, and other sorts of materials. While you are there you can eat, shop, or just spend time together. I believe that shopping malls are also the safest place to shop because of the security there. Malls are also excellent because if you need a toilet while you
are shopping there is always one nearby. For people who arrive by car, there are plenty of places to park because of the large parking lots and many levelled parking garages.
All things considered, I believe malls are comfortable and useful for all people.

Lots of love,

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2010 - 22:53
Dear Paul,
I hope you are well. I`m fine even though the weather here is very dreary. How is the weather in Brighton?
I would like to discuss with you the shopping mall problem---- you mentioned to me in your past letter. In my opinion the construction of the new shopping mall would be a very good thing for the community. You no doubt agree with me that it would be a good thing for the economy OF THE CITY (COMMUNITY / TOWN). Shopping malls provide people with the opportunity OF MEETING ---THEIR friends while they can buy everything they need; such as food, clothes, and other sorts of materials. While you are there you can eat, shop, or just spend time together. I believe that shopping malls are also the safest place to shop because of the security there. Malls are also excellent because OF THE SANITARY FACILITIES-----. For people who arrive by car, there are plenty of places to park because of the large parking lots and THE many levelled parking garages.
All things considered, I believe malls are comfortable and useful for all people.

Lots of love,


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