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Mein Referat so oke?

Frage: Mein Referat so oke?
(3 Antworten)

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Hi ich schreib mein Quali-Referat der ist Mündlich und ich wollte fragen ob er so passt.

I want to tell you something about my holiday trip.
It happened last Winter. This winter holiday was one of my best! I went to Poland for one week with my little sister and my mother. We drove the way from Germany to Poland by car. It tooks us 6 hours, but they felt like 10. During we were driving, I looked out of the window and enjoyed the passing landscape. Then we arrived at our House in Poland where my father was still living. The garden at the backside looks so beautiful when the plants are in flower. We packed our things out and that mades me so tired that I wanted to go to bed, but before I went to sleep, I had to check my mails. In the next morning, I woke up at nine o’clock. My father and me went out after breakfast, because we hadn`t seen each other for such a long time, that we want to spend every minute together. My fathers house is next to a great skiing-area, so we packed out our ski equipment which stands in the basement of his house and drove to the skiing-area. My parents and me were able to ski, we all had already ski courses. My sister couldn’t ski, so we tried to teach her. We laughed so much when my sister fell into the snow, but after a few hours, she was able to ski slowly on a blue piste. She felt really proud about that and so she wanted to try a red piste , but we told her that the red pists are too dangerous for her. She was practising hardly for the rest of the week and at least, she was able to take a red pist without falling into the snow. That makes her feel very happy. The Mountains are so beautiful, in the evening when the sun shines on them and the red light makes them look like a dream landscape. I love being outside in the snow and I`ll remember on this holiday with nice memories.
Frage von Krieno (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.05.2012 - 09:12

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Antwort von nullchecker (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.05.2012 - 13:48
heey :)

also ich weiß nicht wie du die anderen das sehen,
aber du hast erst alles sehr, sehr genau beschrieben und dann nur über das skifahren geschrieben. Also ich würde noch mehr schreiben...

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Antwort von Krieno (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.05.2012 - 14:56
mhm das doofe ist es ist ja ein mündliches ;P wo ich es auswendig lernen müsste währe jedoch kein problem noch was dazu zuschreiben meine Frage vielmehr ob die Grammatik allso Vergangenheits Technisch richtig liegt... weil @moment verwirrt mich alles noch mehr Nachhilfe lehrer sagt das ist schrott freunde meinen das ist gut und ich weiß es einfach net x_x

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Antwort von nullchecker (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.05.2012 - 15:03
da kann ich dir nich weiter helfen..., aber ich würde auf den nachhilfelehrer hören.

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