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Englisch-Präsentation: Jamaika

Frage: Englisch-Präsentation: Jamaika
(7 Antworten)

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Hallo ihr Lieben!
Undzwar hab ich in 3 Wochen meine mündliche Englischprüfung (10.
Klasse) und ich habe jetzt ein Text über die Karibikinsel Jamaika verfasst. Allerdings habe ich gewaltige Probleme mit dem übersetzen! Letztes Jahr wurde mir bei der Hauptschulabschlussprüfung enorm geholfen und daher VIELEN DANK AN EUCH! Ich habe eine 1,1 erhalten! :-)

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Englisch: Sprachmittlung

Guten Morgen Frau ***, guten Morgen Frau ***. Meine Name ist **** **** und Ich werde euch heute etwas über die Insel Jamaika erzählen, weil ich irgendwann in meinem Leben dahin fliegen will um mir die Insel genauer anzuschauen.

Jamaika ist der 3. größte Inselstaat innerhalb der Karibik mit einer Flächengröße wie die von Baden Württemberg. Die Hauptstadt Jamaika`s ist Kingston, die den kulturellen Mittelpunkt darstellt. Die Insel liegt 145km südlich entfernt von Kuba und 635km von der mittelamerikanischen Ostküste, was einer Strecke entspricht wie von Berlin nach Stuttgart. Die Karibikinsel hat rund 3 Millionen Einwohner und das Durchschnittsalter liegt gerade mal bei 24 Jahren. Ein Drittel der Bevölkerung ist jünger als 14.

Der Name "Jamaika" leitet sich vom arawakischen Wort "Xaymaca" ab, was so viel wie "Holz- und Wasserland" bedeuted. Den Namen gaben die süd-amerikanischen Siedler, die sich um 1000 auf der Insel eingenistet haben.

Bereits 1494 berichtete der Entdecker der Insel Christoph Kolumbus von einer traumhaften Landschaft, schließlich ist die Karibik eine der geologisch komplextesten Regionen der Welt. Viele Details der Entstehung von Jamaikas sind unbekannt oder umstritten.

Die ehemalige spanische Kolonie ist bekannt für ihre vielseitige Kultur, allerdings auch für ihre sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Probleme. Das Klima ist tropisch und das Wetter heiß. Nur am Abends gehen die Temperaturen auf durchschnittliche 25° runter. Die Insel ist daher bekannt für ihren Tourismus und besonders beliebt bei Europären.

Jamaika ist reich an Pflanzen und Tieren. Es gibt sehr viele Bäume und Palmen.
Vorallem lebt das Land an der Bananenindustrie. Die größte Bananenplantage befindet sich auf Jamaika. Cannabis wird auch in Jamaika angebaut. Vor 2003 war das Konsumieren allerdings noch illegal. Auch sehr seltene Tierspezies leben auf der Insel, besonders Vögel. Über 252 verschiedene Vögelspezies leben auf Jamaika und 27 davon findet man nur dort.

Die bekannteste Person aus Jamaika ist Sänger Bob Marley, seine Musik wird auch als "Musik des Königs" bezeichnet. Er ist sozusagen der Gründer, Ende der 60er Jahre, der chillige Musik: Reggae. Reggae basiert auf spirituelle und religiöse Texte. Allerdings werden auch "Schwulenfeindliche" Lieder gesungen, da in Jamaika Homosexualität zwischen Männern eine große Straftat ist und vor 3 Jahren noch mit dem Tode bestraft wurde. Heute muss man mit Freiheitsstrafen oder Zwangsarbeit bis zu 10 Jahren rechnen!

Ich hoffe mein Einblick über Jamaika hat euch gefallen.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir genauso wie letztes Jahr helfen! :) Ihr wart spitze!
Auf die 5 Minuten sollte ich kommen bei der Sprachmittlung.

Vielen Dank, Leute!
Frage von Ayoxx (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.03.2012 - 19:50

Antwort von ANONYM | 04.03.2012 - 19:52
sicher helfen wir,
bei der korrektur deiner übersetzung.

fang mal an.

Antwort von ANONYM | 04.03.2012 - 20:03
Good morning Mrs. ***, good morning, Mrs. ***. My name is ******** and I will now tell you about the island of Jamaica, because I want to fly sometime in my life then give me a closer look at the island.

Jamaica is the third largest island nation in the Caribbean with an area size as that of Baden Wuerttemberg. The capital of Jamaica is Kingston `s, which is the cultural center. The island is located 145km south of Cuba and 635km of the Central American coast, which corresponds to a distance as from Berlin to Stuttgart. The Caribbean island has about 3 million inhabitants and the average age is just at 24 years. One third of the population is younger than 14

The name "Jamaica" is derived from the word arawakischen "Xaymaca", which as much as "land of wood and water" bedeuted. Gave the name of the South American colonists who have settled around 1000 on the island.

Already in 1494 the explorer Christopher Columbus on the island reported a dreamlike landscape, including the Caribbean is one of the most geologically complex regions of the world. Many details of the development of Jamaica are unknown or disputed.

The former Spanish colony known for its diverse culture, but also for their social and economic problems. The climate is tropical and the weather is hot. Only at night the temperatures go down on average 25 °. The island is so famous for its tourism and particularly popular with Europären.

Jamaica is rich in plants and animals. There are lots of trees and palms.
Especially living in the land of the banana industry. The biggest banana plantation is located in Jamaica. Cannabis is also cultivated in Jamaica. Prior to 2003 the consumption was still illegal. Also very rare animal species live on the island, especially birds. Over 252 different bird species live in Jamaica and 27 of which are found only there.

The most famous person in Jamaica is Bob Marley singer, his music is also referred to as "music of the King". He is like the founder, the late `60s, the chilling music: reggae. Reggae is based on spiritual and religious texts. However, even "gay Enemy" sang songs, as in Jamaica, homosexuality between men is a great offense and was 3 years ago, nor punished with death. Today we must be prepared by imprisonment or hard labor up to 10 years!

I hope my insight you liked about Jamaica.

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Antwort von Ayoxx (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.03.2012 - 21:35
Good Morning Mrs.* , Good Morning Mrs. *. I am going to tell you something about the island Jamaica today, because I would really like to travel there to watch the island more closely.

Jamaica is the third biggest insular state inside the Carribean with an area that`s almost as big as Baden Württemberg.Jamaica`s capital is Kingston, which is also the culture centre. The island is located 145km south to Kuba and 635km from the Central American East Coast , which is a distance, that`s as long as the route from Berlin to Stuttgart.The Carribean island has about 3 million inhabitants and a low average life expectancy of 24 years. One third of the population is yougner than 14 years old.

The name "Jamaika" came from the arawakan word "Xaymaca", which could be translated as "Wood and Watercountry". The name was given by the southamerican settlers that settled down on the island about the year 1000.

Already 1494 the island`s explorer Christopher Columbus told stories about a beautiful landscape,after all the Carrabean is one of the geologic most complex areas of the world. A lot of details about Jamaica`s evolution are argumentative or unknown.

The former colony is famous for its all-round culture,but also for its social and economic problems. The climate is tropical and the weather very hot.Only in the evening the temperatures go down to average 25 degrees. So the island is known for its tourism and is very popular to Europeans.
Jamaica has a big amount of plants and animals. There are many trees and palms.Above all the country lives from banane industry. The biggest banana plantation is findable in Jamaica, where cannabis is cultivated as well , but consuming it was illegal until 2003.Also infrequent animal species, especially birds. Over 252 different bird species live on Jamaica and 27 of them are exclusively findable there.

The most famous person from Jamaica is the singer bob Marley, whose music is also called "King`s music". He invented the chilly reggae music at the end of the sixties. His music bases upon spiritual and religious lyrics.Yet "homophobic" songs are sung as well, as homosexuality inbetween males is a big criminal act in Jamaica , which was punished with death about three years ago. Nowadays people are punished with custodial sentence or compulsory labor to 10 years.

I hope you liked my insight about Jamaica.

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Antwort von Ayoxx (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2012 - 19:20
Ich bitte um Korrektur.

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Antwort von Ayoxx (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.03.2012 - 19:42
Ich bitte um Korrektur.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 07.03.2012 - 20:54
Wir haben es gesehen... Und nun wartest du einfach, bis jemand Zeit und Lust hat, deine Arbeit zu korrigieren. Du darfst deinen Thread nicht pushen, sonst ist das ein Regelverstoss.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.03.2012 - 21:15
Good Morning Mrs.* , Good Morning Mrs. *. I am going to tell you something about the island Jamaica today [Machst du öfter sowas vor den beiden Damen? Wenn nein, dann ergibt das `today` keinen Sinn.], because I would really like to travel there to watch the island more closely. [Die Begründung macht ebenfalls keinen Sinn: Ich erzähle was über Jamaika, weil ich da mal hinfahren will. Besser, wenn du noch was zwischenschaltest wie: I chose the topic because I would really like to travel there...]

Jamaica is the third biggest insular state of the Carribean with an area that`s almost as big as Baden-Württemberg. Jamaica`s capital is Kingston, it is also the cultural centre. The island is located 145 km south of Kuba and 635 km from the Central American East Coast. This is a distance[Komma streichen] that`s as long as the route from Berlin to Stuttgart. The Carribean island Jamaica has about 3 million inhabitants and a low average life expectancy of 24 years. One third of the population is younger than 14 years [old kannste streichen].

The name "Jamaica" is derived from the Arawakan word "Xaymaca", which could be translated as "wood and water country". The island was named by the South American people who settled down on the island arout the year 1000.

Already in 1494 the island`s explorer Christopher Columbus told stories about a beautiful landscape. After all, the Carribean is one of the most geologically complex areas of the world. A lot of details about Jamaica`s evolution are argumentative or unknown.

The former colony [whose colony?] is famous for its all-round culture, but also for its social and economic problems. The climate is tropical and the weather very hot. Only in the evening the temperatures go down to average 25 degrees. Furthermore, the island is known for its tourism and is very popular among Europeans.
Jamaica has a big amount of plants and animals. There are many trees and palms. Above all the country lives from banane industry. The biggest banana plantation of the world can be found in Jamaica. Cannabis is cultivated there as well, but consuming it has been illegal until 2003. Also infrequent animal species, especially birds [what do they do?]. Over 252 different bird species live on Jamaica and 27 of them are findable exclusively there.

The most famous person from Jamaica is the singer Bob Marley, whose music is also called "King`s music". He invented the chilly reggae music at the end of the sixties. His music bases upon spiritual and religious lyrics. Yet "homophobic" songs are sung as well, as homosexuality between males is a serious crime in Jamaica, which was punished with death only about three years ago. Nowadays people are punished with custodial sentence or compulsory labor to 10 years.

I hope you liked my insight into Jamaica.

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