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96 hours review

Frage: 96 hours review
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good evening,

I wrote a short review of the film 96 hours.
Just to train myself in order to be able to pass my exam tomorrow morning. It would be very kind (in case somebody has got the time) if you could look over it and give me short feedback together with the corrected version.
I would be grateful.
P.S.: don`t mind what I wrote about the film.

“96 Hours – Taken” by Liam Neeson

“96 Hours – Taken” is a thriller, which was released in 2011. In it, Liam Neeson (Bryan Milles) is a more or less professional hit man. He retired in order to spend time with his daughter Kim. On day slave traders kidnap Kim and Bryan chases the hijackers. He’s got 96 hours to track her down, otherwise she can’t be found again. A thrilling race against the time starts.
Although Liam Neeson accomplishes to give the impression of vulnerability, he can’t convince the audience. In addition there is the racist aspect. In case you see a foreign person, you can assume that he is a criminal, who gets killed at a point in the film.
What I also want to object is the wrong and offending presentation of the European police. They can’t do it properly so an American has to come. Besides, the plot is incomplete.
Apart from that, it’s a bloodthirsty story, which is nothing more than a manual how to torture somebody with nails and a battery-jumper-cable. If you like this kind of films, you are all right with this one. I don’t know many films, in which people are slaughtered that cruelly.
I would recommend the film for fans of simple plots. Everybody gets killed mixed up with a happy ending – you don’t have to think about anything. Just watch Bryan killing people.
Frage von zeinlinger721 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 06.02.2012 - 22:11

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