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"Fired from Rolls Royce for dangerous hair." Fragen

Frage: "Fired from Rolls Royce for dangerous hair." Fragen
(2 Antworten)

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1. Describe Peter Mortiboys appearance.
2. Why didn`t the company accept the way Peter dresses and why didn`t he change his appearabce?
3. What do you think of the way Peter was treated and the way he reacted?

Bristol, England (AP)
An 18-year-old punk rocker, fired by Rolls Royce on grounds that the four-inch spikes of his hairdo endangered thes eyes of his co-workers, lost an appeal against the decision on Tuesday.
Peter Mortiboy, whose unusual dress includes 18 earrings, a studded dog collar, steel armlets and a stud through his nose, was repeatedly warned by Rolls that his appearance was not up to company standards, an industrial tribunal in this west coast port was told.
The luxury car maker dismissed him from the Rolls Royce Technical College and his £120-a-week job as an apprentice technician when he began sporting spikes last June, training manager Howard Parry testified.
"His hairstyle represented a safety hazard," Parry said. "The spikes projected from the surface of his head for some distance and an accidental movement could have injured a supervisor learning aover him."
Mortiboy, who said he used industrial adhesive and glue to mould his black hair into stiff, vertical spikes, denied that the spikes are dangerous.
"They would be if they were three feet long," he said. "I mix with people all the time in crowded nightclubs and I have never injured anyone," he said. "I did not cut them off because I am not happy unless I look the way I want to look .... The only trouble I have is sleeping. I have to lie on my stomatch."
Frage von suzana58 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.01.2012 - 18:56

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Antwort von suzana58 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.01.2012 - 18:59

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.01.2012 - 19:09
Liebe Suzana,
hast du den Text schon gelesen?
Ich denke, er ist wirklich nicht sehr lang, wenn man ein paar eventuell unbekannte Vokabeln auf o.ä. nachschlägt auch einfach zu verstehen und darüberhinaus auch interessant/verrückt.

Allerdings kannst du nicht erwarten, dass dir hier jemand DEINE Hausaufgaben macht.
Die erste Aufgabe ist doch schonmal nicht all zu schwer: Beschreibe das Auftreten/Aussehen der Person um die es geht. Eigentlich reichen drei Sätze in denen du die im Text an verschiedenen Stellen zu findenen Teilbeschreibungen zusammenstellst.

Ich gebe dir den Tipp, die Aufgaben selbst zu bearbeiten und deine Lösungen hier reinzustellen. Dann findet sich sicherlich jemand, der die Lösungen kontrolliert.

Achja: Nach drei Minuten nochmal in den eigenen Thread zu posten und um Hilfe zu "schreien" erhöht nicht unbedingt die Chance, dass sich jemand wirklich Zeit für dich nimmt.

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