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Zeitformen: Kann da jemand bitte Korrekturlesen?

Frage: Zeitformen: Kann da jemand bitte Korrekturlesen?
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 75
Answer the questions using a sentence in the present perfect simple or continuous. (Beantworten Sie die Fragen mit einem Satz im present perfect simple oder continuous.)

1. Why is your hair wet?
My hair are wet, because I have washed my hair

2. Why is Katrin carrying those shopping bags full of food?
Because we have been haveing a party tomorrow

3. Why are your hands dirty?
My hands are dirty because i have been working in the garden for 4 hours

4. Why is my coffee cup empty?
Your coffee cup is empty becuase you have been drunk all the coffee

5. Where’s Bob?
Bob is visiting a friend

6. Why is it so cold in this room?
It is so cold becuase the heater have been failing since yesterday
7. Why haven’t we got any bread?
We haven´t any bread because i haven`t been baking a new one

8. Why is the train late?

The train is too late because the worker have been working on the tracks since yesterday
Frage von miela | am 07.03.2020 - 11:49

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 07.03.2020 - 16:25
  1. Why is your hair wet?
    My hair is wet, because I have washed it.
    (finished action)
  2. Why is Katrin carrying those shopping bags full of food?
    Katrin is carrying these shopping bags full of food, because we are going to have a party tomorrow. (not finished action)
  3. Why are your hands dirty?
    My hands are dirty because I have worked in the garden for 4 hours (finished action)
  4. Why is my coffee cup empty?
    Your coffee cup is empty becuase you have drunk all the coffee. (finished action)
  5. Where’s Bob?
    Bob is visiting a friend. (not finished action)
  6. Why is it so cold in this room?
    It is so cold because the heater has been failing since yesterday. (not finished action)
  7. Why haven’t we got any bread?
    We haven`t any bread because I haven`t baked a new one.
  8. Why is the train late?
    The train is late because the workers have been working on the tracks since yesterday. (not finished action)

Beiträge 75
Antwort von miela | 08.03.2020 - 14:31
danke :-)

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